Mosquito Control in South Bend

Extreme closeup of mosquito found prior to providing Mosquito Control in South Bend

When it comes to keeping mosquitoes away this summer, many store-bought options can be a real downer. With bug sprays, for example, you may not get bitten often, but you’ll still see and hear mosquitoes all over your yard. You’ll also have to deal with that harsh chemical smell. That’s not the case with our mosquito control in South Bend.

With bug repellents and other products, you practically have to gear up for battle whenever you want to spend some time outside. Even then, most sprays only last for a limited time. When you opt for professional mosquito control instead, you can simply step out and enjoy your outdoor areas without a second thought.

Want to know how we can help you reclaim your yard this summer? Let’s dive in.

Our Mosquito Control Methods in South Bend

At Lawn Doctor of Kalamazoo-Portage, we take a strategic and comprehensive approach to mosquito control that accounts for how mosquitoes act, where they breed, and other patterns. We also have access to superior Yard Armour® treatments and application methods used nationwide.

Drawing from our knowledge of mosquitoes and what they’re most drawn to in the South Bend area, we focus on the following methods to reclaim yard after yard:

Reducing the current mosquito population. We apply products that will stick to the underside of leaves in your yard. Mature mosquitoes naturally seek out these areas to wait out the hottest parts of the day, at which point they’ll absorb our treatment.

Seeking out breeding spots to treat eggs and larvae. We know that mosquitoes breed in standing water. We’ll find any such spaces on your property and look for other potential resting places. From there, our technicians will eradicate the eggs and larvae, then apply a barrier treatment to the spot. They may recommend that you trim or drain parts of your yard as well.

Performing regular treatments for continuous protection. We highly recommend recurring mosquito control treatments to get the best results this summer. Our team can routinely inspect and treat your yard to keep these bugs from creeping back.

Contact Lawn Doctor of Kalamazoo-Portage for More Information

Our team is proud to provide top-tier mosquito control within the following communities:

  • South Bend
  • Portage
  • Kalamazoo
  • Kalamazoo County
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For mosquito control in South Bend, contact us today!