Lawn Maintenance in Trumbull: Tips for Thicker Growth

woman and dog laying on the grass after lawn maintenance in TrumbullMany homeowners dream of a lawn covered in thick, green grass, but there’s a long list of different factors that can get in the way. And when you’re caring for your yard on your own, identifying and addressing all the factors holding your lawn back from developing lush, green grass can be a tricky and time-consuming process. For thicker grass without the headaches that come with DIY lawn maintenance, turn to our team of lawn care pros in Trumbull.

Top Tips for Growing Thicker Grass

There’s a lot that goes into achieving and maintaining thick, green grass. Here are a few tips for thicker grass and a closer look at how our team of lawn maintenance pros in the Trumbull area can help you put them into action:

1. Effective Fertilization

Your lawn needs nutrients not only to stay healthy, but also to produce lush, green grass. Phosphorous is the nutrient most responsible for robust roots and thick grass, but it needs to be applied in a healthy balance with nitrogen and the other nutrients involved in keeping your yard looking its best. With our custom-tailored fertilization treatments, we’ll boost your lawn’s nutrient density and create an environment in which grass can thrive more easily.

2. Fighting Weeds

Another important part of achieving and maintaining thick, green grass is fighting weeds. Along with cluttering up your yard, weeds drain away resources that your grass needs to stay healthy. And while fighting weeds is essential, it can be tough to eliminate them on your own without also harming your grass. With our top-of-the-line weed control products, we make quick work of these pesky plants while leaving your grass intact.

3. Regular Aeration

Compacted soil can also hold your lawn back and negatively impact grass growth. When your soil is compacted, resources aren’t able to reach your root systems as easily, leading to growth issues. Our core aeration treatments break compacted soil apart. And with healthier soil, your lawn will be healthier as a whole.

Our Professional Lawn Maintenance in Trumbull

Working with our team at Lawn Doctor of Greater Oxford means getting lawn maintenance you can depend on through the seasons. By tailoring our treatments around your yard’s unique composition and using top-of-the-line products, we’re able to maximize results and bring you thicker, healthier grass.

We offer proven lawn maintenance to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Trumbull
  • Newtown
  • Cheshire
  • Milford
  • New Haven
  • And throughout the local communities

For lawn maintenance in Trumbull, contact us today!