Lawn Seeding in the Melrose, Peabody, and Waltham Areas

lawn seeding machine on wheels labeled Turf TamerLawn seeding sounds simple enough. With it, you’re simply distributing new seed into your lawn to encourage growth and enhance turf density. But in the Melrose area, there are a variety of lawn seeding techniques to choose from. How can you tell which is right for your lawn? At Lawn Doctor of Metro West and North Shore, we have the answers you’re looking for. Below we break down some of the most common approaches to lawn seeding in the Melrose area and when to use each one:

Power Seeding. Power seeding takes overseeding to the next level. Using a machine, the soil is first cultivated with seed then mixed right into it. This means there’s better seed-to-soil contact and seeds can then germinate to their maximum potential. Since seed-to-soil contact is vital to a thick, healthy lawn, this approach provides the fastest path to improved turf density. It can be used regardless of whether you’re trying to grow a new lawn or improve an existing one.

Overseeding. Overseeding is the most basic approach to lawn seeding. With it, a lawn spreader distributes seed over your existing turf. If you’re noticing a few thinning areas, or your lawn needs an overall boost, then this is a simple seeding technique for providing it. However, don’t use this approach if you’re trying to establish a new lawn. It’s only effective for existing lawns.

Aeration Seeding. If you’re noticing thinning grass combined with standing puddles of water in your lawn, the problem may be soil compaction. When soil gets compacted, it actually suffocates grass roots. But with aeration, you’re essentially decompressing the soil by removing small plugs. That way, roots can breathe again and take in more nutrients and water. Seeding is then performed right after to help new grass develop and grow in the loosened soil.

The Melrose, Peabody, and Waltham Area Lawn Seeding Experts

Still not sure which approach is right for you? As local seeding experts in the Melrose area, Lawn Doctor of Metro West and North Shore can help. We’ll perform a full evaluation of your lawn so we can assess grass type, soil quality and the scope of the problem. We can then tailor our services to the unique demands of your lawn, producing thick, healthy growth in the process.

Take advantage of our expertise today. Call in the local lawn care professionals at Lawn Doctor of Metro West and North Shore at 978.592.2237 and schedule your free evaluation. Our lawn seeding services are available whether you live in the Melrose area, or in Peabody, Winchester, Woburn, Wakefield, Marblehead, Danvers, Lynnfield, Middleton, Stoneham, Medford, Swampscott, Saugus, Arlington, Waltham, Worcester, Billerica, Lexington, or Leominster.