A Guide to Grassy Weed Control Services in Northborough, Peabody, Waltham, and Melrose

weed control service in Northborough

There are several types of weeds that can pop up in your home’s outdoor spaces, from chickweed to dandelion. However, when it comes to fighting these pesky plants, a specialized approach is essential. Different types of weeds require different strategies, especially when it comes to dealing with grassy weeds. Below, we’ll take a closer look at these invasive plants and how our comprehensive weed control services help Northborough homeowners eliminate grassy weeds and prevent them from coming back.

Grassy Weeds 101

To effectively fight grassy weeds and keep them from coming back, it’s important to have some knowledge of these plants. Let’s take a closer look at grassy weeds, some common examples, and what makes them tricky to take on without help from the professionals.

What are Grassy Weeds?

Grassy weeds are named as such because they often resemble the grass growing in your lawn. Common grassy weeds you’ve likely encountered include crabgrass, goosegrass, and nutsedge. Many grassy weeds spread by expanding their root systems underneath your lawn’s surface, which differs from dandelion and other broadleaf weeds that rely on the spread of their seeds to take over your yard. These weeds can also spread extremely quickly, which is why it’s important to remain diligent when it comes to fighting them.

Why are Grassy Weeds Tough to Fight?

These types of weeds are a pain to deal with for a long list of different reasons. One of the biggest pain points when it comes to dealing with grassy weeds is identifying them. Due to their appearance, they can be hard to spot until they’ve already invaded your yard. These invasive plants are also tough to fight without also causing damage to your existing grass, which is another reason to leave fighting grassy weeds in the hands of professionals.

Our Grassy Weed Control Service in Northborough, Peabody, Waltham, and Melrose

When you work with our team at Lawn Doctor of Metro West and North Shore, you’ll get access to comprehensive weed control services designed to effectively address a wide range of different weeds, including grassy weeds. And by utilizing the right products and taking a multifaceted approach, we’ll effectively eliminate grassy weeds without damaging your lawn.

We offer proven grassy weed control services to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Northborough
  • Peabody
  • Waltham
  • Westford
  • Chelmsford
  • Tewksbury
  • Worcester
  • Shrewsbury
  • Holden
  • Lexington
  • Leominster
  • Billerica
  • Sudbury
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For weed control service in Northborough, contact us today!