Lawn Aeration in Mullica Hill: What Is It and When Do You Need it?

extremely green grass photo fills entire frame showing lawn aeration in Mullica HillWhether you’ve heard the term “lawn aeration” or not, you might not really understand what it means if you’re like many homeowners in the Mullica Hill, NJ area. At Lawn Doctor of Southern New Jersey, we’re here to help. We know this simple treatment is one of the best steps you can take when you want to improve lawn health, vitality, color, and beauty. But how can you tell if you need it? Here’s what you should know.

When your soil gets compacted, whether by foot traffic, pounding rains, poor composition, or heavy vehicles, particles get packed so tightly that they begin to squeeze roots. Over time, roots can even start to suffocate. They can’t breathe or take in critical resources, like nutrients and water, from the surrounding soil.

Meanwhile, when heavy surface thatch grows over the top of your soil, it also impacts grass roots. It serves as a wall, further preventing the flow of oxygen, water, and fertilizer your lawn needs to flourish.

That’s where lawn aeration comes in and can help local homeowners throughout the Mullica Hill area. This is simply a process that enables more air, moisture, and nutrients to circulate through the soil. There are many different methods you can use, but at Lawn Doctor of Southern New Jersey, we recommend core aeration since it’s the most thorough and proven to deliver results that last longer.

With core aeration, a machine systematically removes thousands of small plugs from your soil. This gets air moving more freely by opening up compacted soil and diminishing surface thatch. It also creates entryways for vital essentials to penetrate into the ground and reach the root system. As a result, your lawn will benefit in many ways, including with:

  • Increased nutrient, water, and oxygen uptake
  • A deeper growing root system that can support better turf health
  • Fewer problems with pests and diseases that hide in thick surface thatch
  • More tolerance to seasonal stress from heat and drought to extreme temperatures

The Mullica Hill Area’s Lawn Aeration Team: Learn More About Our Services

Don’t know if you need to aerate your lawn? Look for common signs, such as standing water, runoff, poor or stunted growth, and discoloration. If you’re seeing these red flags and want help from the lawn aeration specialists trusted across the Mullica Hill area, connect with Lawn Doctor of Southern New Jersey. We can handle the job while you enjoy your day on the golf course or with your family. You’ll get a lawn that’s healthier, lusher, and more beautiful, guaranteed, without the hassle of renting or operating an aerator on your own.

We offer lawn aeration to customers throughout many Southern NJ communities, including Mullica Hill, Marlton, Medford, Morristown, Vineland, Parsippany, Livingston, and Bloomfield. Get started today by calling Lawn Doctor of Southern New Jersey at (856) 478-6110 for a free consultation.