Grass Care in Groton: What To Do Between Treatments 

extremely green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Groton.

Professional grass care can be the difference between a failing lawn and thriving, lush turf. For properties in Groton, our lawn care company can revive your outdoors and help your grass flourish! With a different approach for every yard, treatments that use high-quality ingredients, and expert technicians who can deliver results, we’re here for you. We make it easy to get the stunning lawn of your dreams.

If you want to go the extra mile, there are always things you can do between treatments. Let’s review some ways you can maximize your lawn’s health.

Three Ways To Make The Most of Your Grass Care  

When it comes to your lawn, the details matter. From grass length to soil quality, each of these factors can play a big role in your turf’s health and appearance. With that in mind, here’s what you can do for your lawn:

Watch out for over-mowing. Like close-cropped hair, shorter grass may seem like less work and upkeep in the long run. In reality, your lawn needs to be a certain length to do well. With shorter blades, grass may struggle to get the nutrients it needs. This, in turn, can weaken your lawn and make it susceptible to weed species and other problems. You want to aim for 2.5 or 3 inches of height when mowing.

Water your lawn with care. Similarly, it’s always worthwhile to pay attention to your lawn’s watering schedule. Too little water may cause the soil to become compacted over time. However, too much water can cause roots to drown, and even lead to the death of grass plants. It’s a delicate balance, often dictated by your grass type, the age of your turf, your soil type, and weather conditions in Groton.

Turn to your experts. One of the wonderful things about scheduling grass care is that you’ll always have experts you can turn to. Our knowledgeable technicians are there to answer your questions. We can identify your grass species, let you know what kind of watering schedule might make sense, and provide other detailed input. We can also suggest specific next steps to maximize your lawn’s treatments, too.

Groton’s Trusted Leaders in Grass Care 

From custom-blended fertilizer treatments to comprehensive weed control, we do it all! Our experts deliver grass care services across the region, including:

  • Groton
  • Middletown
  • Torrington
  • Tolland
  • And throughout the surrounding area

With professional grass care in Groton, it’s never been easier to enjoy your beautiful outdoors! To learn more about our expert approach, contact us today.