Lawn Care Services in Mansfield: Fertilization 101

extremely green grass photo fills entire frame showing lawn care services in MansfieldJust like the human diet, a lawn’s meal plan should include a steady stream of key essentials. Fertilization is often necessary to achieve that. But if you’re like many homeowners across the Mansfield area, you might not know why this lawn care service is so vital and how to approach it in your own yard. Lawn Doctor of South Fort Worth & Mansfield has the answers you need.

Why does my grass need to be fertilized? In an ideal world, your soil would have all the nutrients your lawn requires for healthy development. In reality, it’s often missing key minerals in the right amounts. Deficiencies then result, making it tough for turf to weather harsh climate conditions and stand up to daily wear and tear. That’s where lawn care fertilization services are helpful for homeowners. These provide the necessary supplementation to fuel better growth, color, and natural defenses.

Which nutrients are most important? Your lawn needs 16 different minerals for optimal health. Some of these are major ones, required in vast quantities. Others are minor nutrients that are still important, but in lesser amounts. In terms of the major nutrients, nitrogen and potassium are two of the biggest. Nitrogen helps enhance color and stimulate growth while potassium supports disease resistance and drought and cold tolerance.

When should I fertilize? That depends. If your lawn is cool-season, fertilize in the fall, early spring, and end of summer. If, however, your grass is warm-season, then you can also fertilize at the end of the spring or in early summer. If you’re not sure which category your grass falls into, consult with a lawn care service professional in the local area.

How often? The frequency at which you fertilize your lawn depends on its overall health. Some lawns require more fertilization while others need it less. However, the general rule of thumb is to fertilize six to eight times each year and keep at least six weeks between each application.

The Mansfield Area’s Choice for Fertilization and Lawn Care Services

Getting your lawn into great shape through fertilization is no easy task and requires a regular commitment. If you would rather let a professional team of lawn care service experts handle the work, give Lawn Doctor of South Fort Worth & Mansfield a call. We offer several different plans, each of which contains regular applications of nutrient-enriched products throughout the growing season. Your lawn can therefore get the critical resources it needs to grow in thicker, achieve better color, and boost your home’s curb appeal.

Our lawn care services, including fertilization, are offered in and around Mansfield, Alvarado, Fort Worth,Grand Prairie, Kennedale, Midlothian, and other nearby TX communities. Call us today at (817) 734-3215 to book your free assessment.