Lawn Maintenance in Ardmore: Tips for Thicker Growth

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Maintenance in ArdmoreThick grass is the sign of a healthy, well-maintained lawn. However, a lot goes into achieving and maintaining healthy grass, and it can be tough to keep up with all the steps involved in the process on your own. That’s why professional lawn maintenance services are a must for Ardmore lawns.

Bringing out the best in your yard takes a comprehensive approach. To help you wrap your head around what it takes to help your yard develop thick grass, we’ll take a look at some grass growth tips and how our team can help you get these steps done correctly below.

Top Tips for Thick Grass

Achieving and maintaining thick grass takes some lawn care know-how. Here are a few effective tips for boosting grass growth and keeping your yard looking its best:

Effective Fertilization. One of the most important parts of developing a lush lawn is effective fertilization. It takes a healthy balance of nutrients to keep your yard healthy, and navigating this balance on your own can be tricky. And although phosphorous is the nutrient most directly responsible for thick grass growth, too much or too little can throw off your lawn’s overall balance. For effective fertilization and top-notch results, our team of lawn maintenance experts has you covered.

Aeration. When your soil becomes compacted, it prevents resources like oxygen and water from reaching your lawn’s root systems. This can hinder growth and cause a long list of other issues, making it difficult to achieve thick, green grass. Aeration is crucial when it comes to maintaining loose, healthy soil. And although there are ways to aerate your yard on your own, our heavy-duty core aeration machines will bring you faster, longer-lasting results.

Weed Control. In addition to negatively impacting the appearance of your yard, weeds can damage your yard by taking resources away from your grass. With our comprehensive weed control treatments, our team will fight off both pre-emergent and post-emergent weeds, preventing these pesky plants from negatively affecting your yard’s ability to produce healthy grass.

Our Hassle-Free Lawn Maintenance in Ardmore

Achieving a lush, thick covering of turf doesn’t have to be inconvenient. When you work with us, you don’t have to be stuck at home during service. With our hassle-free applications, we’ll bring out the best in your yard while also saving you time.

We offer comprehensive lawn maintenance to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Ardmore
  • Lower Merion
  • Garnet Valley
  • Villanova
  • Brandywine
  • Wilmington, DE
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

Learn more about how our lawn maintenance helps in Ardmore yards. Contact us today!