Fall Lawn Care Tips


Fall Lawn Care Tips

Absolutely the best time to help develop density in a lawn as fall has the most root growth then any part of the year. Dense lawns keeps weeds out.

Why is lawn aeration important in Liberty Township, OH for the fall?

It relieves compaction in the soil and allows water, air, and nutrients reach the root zone much easier. Also encourages deeper rooted lawns which are healthier.

Why is fertilization in the Fall important in Liberty Township, OH?

While we are getting the most root growth at this time, it is perfect to feed the turf to encourage this root growth leading to a thicker healthier turf.

How do I know if my lawn needs seeding and when is the best time to seed in Liberty Township, OH?

By mother natures own schedule, every lawn will lose some density throughout the year so it is important to replenish its growth. Fall is the best time to seed the lawn.

Why should I have Lawn Doctor seed my Lawn? What is done differently?

With Lawn Doctor’s patented Turf Tamer Power Seeding machine it will place the seed at the most ideal depths into the soil thus getting you the best germination rates. Also it will not tear up good parts of the lawn while doing the seeding as a slit seeder will do.

How often should I rake my leaves?

Leaf raking is dependent on how many trees you may have in your yard and your tolerances for having the leaves there. Rule of thumb is do not let the leaves gather in heavy piles and decay as it will kill the grasses in that area.

Should I continue to water my lawn in the Fall and how often?

Watering the lawn is always recommended if mother nature is not supplying the watering for us. By using a rain gauge or a empty tuna fish can you can measure 1 1/2 – 2 inches of water per week.

Is there anything I can do to protect my trees and shrubs for the winter?

A good quality dessicant and feeding of the plants will help to ensure that the plants come back strong and healthy the following spring.

How should I store my lawn mower this winter?

Always make sure there is a fuel stabilizer mixed with the gas if not empty. Also contact your local mower repair facility to get further recommendations.

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