Lawn Weed Control in Kingston: Stop Invaders with a Treatment Plan

Close up of blades of grass showing lawn weed control in KingstonIf you’re like many homeowners across the Kingston, NY area, you invest a lot of time and effort into your yard, including with lawn weed control. That’s why it’s discouraging when you’re seeing a sudden infiltration. While weed control products are an important part of gaining a foothold, you also need to get to any underlying issues that are causing the surge. That’s where a treatment plan comes in. Some questions to ask yourself to create an effective one include:

  • Are there vulnerable areas in my lawn? Bald spots from pet traffic, patchy areas from kids playing, and standing puddles of water all enable weeds to take root and spread. That’s where aerating and seeding can help. Aerating opens up pathways for more air, water, and nutrients to circulate to roots, strengthening them, while seeding improves turf density, so grass can block out weeds better.
  • What’s soil quality like? When you’re seeing weeds surface up above it often indicates a problem with the soil down below. So invest in a testing kit to assess factors like nutrient content and pH level. This will provide you with valuable insight into the health of your lawn’s foundation.
  • How short do I mow my grass? Every grass species has an ideal height. However, none like to be cut too short, which depletes energy reserves. Therefore, whatever types you have growing in your lawn, don’t remove more than one-third of it at a time.
  • How often am I watering? Regular watering sounds great in theory. But when it’s light and in short intervals, roots will seek it out and start growing near the surface. As a result, they’ll be more likely to dry out or get damaged from other stressors.
  • Which weeds are spreading? Effective treatment requires proper identification. That’s why before you buy any kind of product and apply it, it’s important to know what you’re dealing with and whether weeds are broadleaf, grassy, annual, or perennial.

Kingston’s Lawn Weed Control Team: Leave the Job to Us!

There’s a lot that goes into treating ugly invaders. If you’d rather have lawn weed control professionals performing the work, turn to Lawn Doctor of Kingston, Poughkeepsie & Hudson. We can provide you with a free evaluation that includes a full assessment of your yard to evaluate its health, determine the scope of the infestation, and diagnose any contributing issues. We’ll then put this knowledge to use in a personalized plan that will lead to better control and more beauty in your lawn.

If you’d like to learn more about our lawn weed control services, call Lawn Doctor of Kingston, Poughkeepsie & Hudson NY today at (845) 339-6788 for a free consultation.