Grass Care in Mandarin: Call Us For a Healthier Lawn

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Mandarin

When grass care becomes something you dread doing because it is so labor-intensive or time-consuming, the health of your lawn in Mandarin could suffer as a result. The team at Lawn Doctor of South Jacksonville-St. Johns realizes that working out on your lawn isn’t always your idea of a perfect weekend. Instead, you’d rather be relaxing and enjoying it. Our professional grass care services can enable you to do just that, all while saving you time and reducing your stress levels in the process.

Our Grass Care Services Save You Time and Stress

If you’re anything but an expert in grass care, you’ll likely run across a number of headaches while trying to improve your turf’s health and appearance. We’d be honored to take these forms of stress off your hands:

Buying a fertilizer that’s going to make a visible difference. You may feel like all fertilizers are one and the same, but your grass feels differently. We’ll determine which fertilizer will fill in the nutritional gaps it is experiencing so you can see a significant difference in its growth and color.

Removing weeds and keeping them from returning. Weeds are pernicious, and only a time-tested strategy can keep them from making a comeback. Fortunately, our team consists of weed control experts ready to implement the right techniques to knock out weeds so you can take this chore off your to-do list.

Reducing soil compaction through aeration. If you’ve ever tried to rent and use a core aerator machine, you know that core aeration is best left to professionals. We’ll save you the hassle of having to transport and utilize this equipment while giving your lawn the benefits of increased oxygen flow for better root health.

Timing everything to perfection. The above tasks are best done in a specific order and a specific time of the growing season. When you put them in our hands, you won’t have to risk doing them at the wrong time and achieving less-than-ideal results.

Turn to Us For Grass Care in Mandarin

Our range of services, which all benefit from a strong customer satisfaction guarantee, make grass care less complicated for homeowners in:

  • Mandarin
  • St. Augustine
  • South Jacksonville
  • Switzerland
  • Fruit Cove
  • St. Johns
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

To get started with grass care that results in a lush, green lawn, contact our Mandarin-area team today!