Grub Control in Arkadelphia: A Homeowner’s Guide

Grub Control in Arkadelphia

Are you worried about the negative impact a grub infestation could have on your lawn? The more you know about these critters, the better you can take action and provide your grass with proven protection through effective grub control. At Lawn Doctor of Hot Springs, we strive to help homeowners in Arkadelphia understand the significant risk that grubs represent and ensure their lawns are adequately protected. For more information about this pest, explore our overview below.

What You Need to Know About Grubs

Here are some basic but essential facts about this common pest:

  • Where they come from. These elusive critters are the immature form of beetles, also known as beetle larvae. Beetles bury their eggs in the soil in the spring, and larvae in the form of grubs hatch underground in the summer.
  • What grubs do to your lawn. After hatching from their eggs, grubs begin tunneling under the soil’s surface and feeding on the precious root systems of your lawn. In the process of nourishing themselves, grubs can completely sever entire sections of turf from its roots.
  • Signs your lawn has a grub problem. Knowing what to look for can help you spring into action rather than wondering why your lawn isn’t in peak health. One red flag is the emergence of dead brown patches of grass in irregular shapes. Another is the appearance of unusually soft patches of turf that have extra give underfoot. Additionally, you probably need grub control treatments if it looks like raccoons and other larger animals are digging in your lawn. This is likely the result of their hunt for grubs to eat.

Get Started With Proven Grub Control in Arkadelphia and Hot Springs

For a quick, proven solution to grub problems, get started with our grub control prevention program. Our treatments immediately lower the number of grubs on your lawn and can help limit the amount of damage they can do. In addition, we can provide a number of lawn care treatments to restore unhealthy grass to its former vitality after grubs have attacked its root system.

If you’re ready to fight back against grubs, turn to our knowledgeable technicians for expert treatments in:

  • Arkadelphia
  • Hot Springs
  • Hot Springs Village
  • Malvern

For grub control in Arkadelphia and Hot Springs,contact us today!