Grub Control in Malvern: 5 Signs of Grub Problems

Grub Control in Malvern

Grubs are subterranean beetle larvae that spend their time eating the roots of turf, so early detection can make a huge difference in the health of your lawn. As part of our grub control service for Malvern area homeowners, Lawn Doctor of Hot Springs would like to share some helpful tips for diagnosing an active grub infestation. Let’s take a look.

Signs That Grubs Are Living in Your Soil

Grubs can cause plenty of damage to your root system and the surrounding lawn environment. Here are some of the warning signs:

  • Aesthetic decline. If your lush and vibrant green landscape has turned yellow or brown, grubs are a potential cause.
  • Odd turf conditions. A grub infestation can often lead to a spongy turf texture. Also, you may notice that patches of your lawn can be rolled up like sections of carpet.
  • Thinning growth. With the disruption caused to your root system, grub activity will likely lead to poor health and weaker growth.
  • Moth or beetle activity. Since grubs are the offspring of these insects, look for signs of moth or beetle activity around your yard.
  • Animal scavenging. In addition to causing damage on their own, grubs also attract wild animals who often do further harm by digging up your turf. If you notice raccoons, moles, skunks, birds, or any other type of wild critter rooting through your soil, grubs are the likely cause.

Our Professional Grub Control in Malvern

If you suspect your lawn may have a grub problem, it always makes sense to have our experts take a look. We will conduct a thorough analysis and quickly get to the bottom of any issues. If we don’t find any grubs in your soil, we’ll take action with our preventative solution to prevent a future infestation. If we do find these pests lurking in your soil, we’ll provide fast-acting treatment to neutralize your active grub population and stop their damage.

After clearing the current infestation, we’ll make a full assessment of the harm they’ve caused to your lawn ecosystem. This will allow us to create a customized lawn restoration plan designed for your specific landscape. With our detail-oriented approach to this issue, you can count on terrific service and results from start to finish.

Lawn Doctor of Hot Springs offers our grub control services throughout:

  • Malvern
  • Hot Springs
  • Hot Springs Village
  • Arkadelphia
  • and the surrounding areas

For grub control for your home in Malvern and Hot Springs, contact us today!