Spring Lawn Care in Greensboro: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

extremely green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Greensboro.

North Carolina is known for many things, but severe winter weather isn’t one of them. Our region experiences a milder and shorter season when compared to northern states. However, that doesn’t mean your lawn doesn’t take a beating. In fact, because it’s dormant, it can be more prone to injury, disease, and other problems. That’s where Lawn Doctor of Greensboro can help. As local experts serving the Greensboro, NC community, we know what to do now, during the cold weather to protect your grass, promote beautiful growth next season, and make spring lawn care a whole lot easier.

How Our Greensboro Spring Lawn Care Experts Can Make a Difference in Your Yard

At Lawn Doctor of Greensboro, our experience tells us no two lawns are the same. It’s why before we treat your yard, we’ll analyze it to find out the areas where we can best help. We’ll then tailor a plan and schedule that can include:

Seasonal services. With our individual services, our team can ensure we’re giving your turf the exact care it needs – whether it’s fertilization, weed control, or something else – for this time of year, helping it bounce back better than ever next spring.

Ongoing care. Lawn Doctor of Greensboro also offers annual programs for your grass, trees, and shrubs to keep them well-fueled and protected from weeds, pests, and other threats from one month to the next. These include our Fertilization and Weed Plans and Tree and Shrub Care Program.

What Lawn Care Steps You Can Take to Create a Strong Comeback in Spring

At Lawn Doctor of Greensboro, we go beyond providing care to also placing an emphasis on customer education. We’ll explain the steps you can take in your lawn to support our efforts and further strengthen your yard. This includes raking up fallen leaves and clearing out any clutter that’s sitting on your grass, limiting sunlight and air and setting your turf up for diseases and pests. Another way to protect your lawn is to keep foot traffic low. When there’s too much, grass takes a beating that it can’t recover from since it’s dormant.

For more on spring lawn care in Greensboro, NC, contact us today for a free consultation! We also offer spring lawn care in other nearby areas in Burlington, Kernersville, Summerville, and High Point.