Lawn Maintenance in Southside: Tips for Thicker Growth

children playing and laughing on grass with soft diffused sunlight after lawn maintenance in SouthsideDo you know how healthy the roots below the surface of your yard are? If you only see thin, weak grass rather than the thick growth that forms the lawn of your dreams, this is a sign that your lawn’s root systems are suffering. At Lawn Doctor of Gadsden, we work to remedy poor root health and encourage the appearance of lush, vibrant turf through a wide range of lawn maintenance services available to homeowners across the Southside area.

Our Experts’ Lawn Maintenance Tips for Thick Grass

Our lawn maintenance services are all about going below the surface to help ensure grass root systems have what they need to produce plush top growth and dense blades of green grass. Here are three ways we may suggest improving the root health of your lawn:

  • Increased exposure to phosphorus through expert fertilization. You may hear a lot about how your grass needs nitrogen for green growth, but it’s just important that it has access to phosphorus. Phosphorus is the macronutrient that’s most directly linked to thick grass and root health. We can ensure your yard is fed a proper balance of nitrogen and phosphorus through ongoing lawn fertilization treatments.
  • Less competition for resources and space in the soil. Your grass could also be thinning out because it is confronted by the threat of invasive plants. Weeds like crabgrass, dandelions, and clover can quickly take up real estate in your lawn, pushing out grass root systems and soaking up the resources they need for thick, healthy growth. To make sure invasive plants aren’t holding your grass back from dense growth, look to our weed control services for pre- and post-emergent treatments.
  • Loosening the soil for increased airflow. Compacted soil also represents a major problem for healthy root growth. Soil that is too dense will naturally cut off airflow to grass roots, essentially suffocating them underground. Using our core aerator machinery, we reverse this situation and loosen up the soil to provide a better environment for grass root systems.

Enjoy Thicker Grass with Professional Lawn Maintenance in Southside

You don’t have to constantly face uncertainty about why your turf isn’t thick and healthy. Look to our lawn maintenance services for expert support in:

  • Southside
  • Gadsden
  • Rainbow City
  • Hokes Bluff
  • Glencoe
  • Or a community in the surrounding area

For lawn maintenance in Southside, contact us today!