Yard Care in Frederick

extremely green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Yard Care in Frederick.

When it comes to lawn maintenance, bald spots in your grass can be tough to deal with. Patchy areas can seem to pop up out of nowhere, and dealing with yard care on your own can be a hassle. At Lawn Doctor of Frederick, we take a comprehensive approach to lawn care to help our neighbors remedy patchy spots and get their lawns looking their best.

Below, we’ll take a look at some of our grass growing tips and how our professional yard care can help you get the results you’re after.

Grass Growing Tips

Growing grass from seed is a fairly straightforward process, but there are some common mistakes that can pop up and hinder growth. Here’s a quick look at some key grass growing tips to help you through every step of the process and achieve a lawn that you can be proud of:

Planting. When it comes to planting grass seed, soil preparation is everything. You’ll want to make sure your soil is nutrient-dense and within a pH level of 6.0 – 7.0 to ensure that you’ll get favorable results. Also, when you’re physically laying down the seed, make sure to use a spreader for even dispersal. This method will help you avoid uneven areas in your new grass growth.

Covering. Once you’ve spread grass seed, it’s time to cover it up. You can do this either by laying down one quarter inch of new topsoil on top of the grass seed or raking it in to the same depth under the soil’s surface. This depth is essential, as it prevents seeds from being washed away during watering while also ensuring that they have access to the sunlight they need to germinate.

Watering. Over and under watering are extremely common, and can severely affect the growth you can get out of seeding. Water new grass seed two to three times per day, and stop watering immediately if you notice the formation of puddles.

Our Comprehensive Yard Care for Frederick Residents

To get the most out of seeding, leave it to the pros. Our professional yard care uses top-of-the-line products and proven treatment strategies to optimize results and get your lawn looking its best.

We provide comprehensive yard care to our neighbors located throughout the following areas:

  • Frederick
  • Middletown
  • Walkersville
  • Ijamsville
  • New Market
  • Myersville
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

To get started with our yard care in Frederick, contact us today!