Grass Care in Norcross: Call Us for a Healthier Lawn

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Norcross

Your home’s outdoor spaces need effective maintenance to stay healthy and look their best through the seasons. However, keeping up with this ongoing maintenance on your own isn’t always manageable. To bring out the best in your lawn while also avoiding the stress that comes with DIY lawn care, turn to our knowledgeable grass care professionals at Lawn Doctor of Dunwoody, Duluth, & Norcross. Below, we’ll highlight a few of our treatments and some of the key reasons for choosing our service.

Our Comprehensive Grass Care in Norcross

Your lawn faces many challenges as the seasons go by, and it can take a wide range of treatments to address them. Here’s a quick look at some of the treatments we use to keep local lawns looking their best:

Preventing Compacted Soil

Compacted soil can significantly affect your lawn’s overall health and appearance. Aeration is crucial to for preventing compacted soil. However, aerating your lawn on your own can be a labor-intensive process. Our cutting-edge core aeration treatments will quickly break up your soil to relieve existing compression and prevent it from becoming compressed in the future.

Fertilizing Your Lawn

Your lawn needs nutrients to thrive from season to season, but finding the right fertilizers, using the right amounts, and applying them correctly can be tricky without professional intervention. Our professional treatments will use the right fertilizer to accommodate your lawn’s current needs and boost its overall nutrient density to keep it healthier over time.

Fighting Weeds

Weeds can quickly spread and take over your lawn if they’re not quickly and effectively addressed. With our top-notch weed control solutions, we’ll make quick work of grassy weeds, broadleaf weeds, and pre-emergent weeds that haven’t yet popped up through the ground. We’ll also help you take preventative steps to keep weeds at bay.

Why Choose Our Service?

Choosing our service comes with several advantages. Along with bringing you top-notch results and convenient applications, we bring you peace of mind by covering our treatments with a comprehensive service guarantee.

We offer proven grass care to homeowners located all over the area. Here are the communities we serve:

  • Norcross
  • Duluth
  • Doraville
  • Dunwoody
  • Sandy Springs
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

For grass care in Norcross, contact us today!