Tips for Grass Care in Doraville: What to Do Between Treatments

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Doraville

There’s a long list of external threats and environmental factors that affect the health and appearance of your grass. Our team offers top-notch grass care solutions to bring out the best in Doraville, GA area lawns, but additional upkeep is required between our visits to keep your grass looking great. We’ll take a quick look at a few of these regular maintenance steps below to help you fend off external threats and keep your lawn healthier as the seasons go by.

Steps to Take Between Professional Grass Care Treatments

There are several steps you can take between our professional grass care treatments to keep your lawn in the Doraville area green, growing, and protected from external threats. Here’s a closer look at a few of them:

Eliminate Weeds

When weeds start appearing in your lawn, it can have a drastic effect on the health and appearance of your grass. Our proven weed control services quickly eliminate weeds, but more can migrate into your lawn between applications of these treatments. To fend off these invasive plants, it’s important to take a few preventative steps. We’ll work with you to define which preventative measures need to be put into place to give you a head start.

Create a Designated Pet Area

When your lawn is covered in pet spots, it’s tough to keep it looking its best through the seasons. To limit the damage your pets do to your grass, it’s helpful to create an area that’s designated for their use. Protective elements like mulch and gravel can further protect your yard and boost its overall appearance.

Service Your Mower

To maintain a great-looking lawn, you need to maintain your equipment. Dull mower blades, instead of delivering a clean cut, can rip your grass. This is an issue because ripped grass has ragged, discolored edges that can turn your lawn into an eyesore. For the best results from mowing, make sure to replace or sharpen any dull mower blades.

Our Proven Grass Care for Doraville Area Homeowners

When you work with our team at Lawn Doctor of Dunwoody, Duluth, & Norcross, you’ll get top-notch grass care that works around your lawn’s needs as they change from season to season. With our proven treatments and your regular upkeep, your lawn will look great in the long run.

We offer top-notch grass care to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Doraville
  • Duluth
  • Norcross
  • Dunwoody
  • Sandy Springs
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For grass care in Doraville, contact us today!