Yard Armour Mosquito Control Services

Mosquitoes in your yard can be an annoyance, but they can be much more than that. Mosquitoes can carry potentially life-threatening diseases such as West Nile, Malaria, Encephalitis, Chikungunya, Dengue, and Yellow Fever. With Lawn Doctor’s Yard Armour® Mosquito Control services we can help control mosquitoes and make your outdoor living spaces more enjoyable.

Our mosquito control services work to reduce the mosquito populations around your yard.  In addition, as part of your program, we will provide you with suggestions and strategies to minimize breeding areas around your home.

Ongoing treatments with our Yard Armour® program are recommended as mosquitoes reproduce frequently.  A female can lay 100-300 eggs at a time, and can do so as often as every three days.  Lawn Doctor’s trained technicians will show you how to prevent mosquitoes in the first place, treat current infestations, and provide ongoing yard maintenance to significantly reduce mosquitoes.  We will help give you peace of mind and a yard you, your family, and your pets can enjoy.

In addition to our full program for mosquito control, we also offer “Special Events” spray.  If you are planning an outdoor party or a special event and mosquitoes are of concern, we can help!

Call 203-648-9068 today to schedule your FREE On-Site evaluation!