Yard Care in Tupelo: 5 Tips for A Healthy Lawn

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Yard Care in TupeloIn the weeks and months ahead, you’ll be spending a lot of time outside. You want a green, lush lawn as a backdrop. To get there, though, there are some key steps to help your lawn recover from winter and prepare for the heat of summer. Our yard care experts at Lawn Doctor of Tupelo-Corinth-Jackson explain best practices to achieve a great-looking lawn.

  1. Treat weeds. Before weeds arrive and spread, treat your lawn with products for grassy and broadleaf weeds. These will suppress the dandelions, crabgrass, clover, and other common weeds that can infest and compete with your lawn for resources, like nutrients and water.
  2. Suppress pests. If you notice areas in your lawn that are dead or dying, it could be due to a grub infestation. To check, use a shovel to cut a square foot section in several spaces, around 2-4 inches deep. If you see grubs, treat your lawn before they cause more damage.
  3. Fertilize your turf. Your grass needs a wide range of nutrients to repair damage from winter and also get ready for the heat, drought, and heavy foot traffic of summer. A fertilizer application can help to infuse life and strength back into your lawn. However, don’t wait until the height of summer, when fertilizer can burn your lawn. Spring or early summer are the best times to feed it.
  4. Mow correctly. There’s a proper way to mow your lawn. If you cut it too short, you can actually stress it out and open it up to issues with weeds, diseases, pests, and damage. When you mow, keep the length to around three inches high. Also, make sure your blades are sharp, not dull, before that first cut, so you don’t tear up your grass.
  5. Water deeply. When your grass needs water, apply deep yet infrequent watering in the early morning or evening. If, however, you water in a shallow way, you will train roots to grow near the surface of the soil, making them more vulnerable to damage.

Get Yard Care Help from an Expert Team in Tupelo

If you’d like help with yard care this year, turn to Lawn Doctor of Tupelo-Corinth-Jackson. We offer treatments ranging from fertilization and weed and grub control to pH balancing and more. We’ll work with you to prepare your lawn for summer, so it looks great, stands strong, and provides that perfect-picture backdrop you want.

We offer a wide range of yard care services, including ongoing plans, in:

  • Tupelo, MS
  • Corinth, MS
  • Saltillo, MS
  • Lee County, MS
  • Alcorn County, MS
  • Jackson, TN
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Contact us today to find out more about our yard care from our Tupelo, MS team and to get a FREE estimate.