Lawn Maintenance in Corinth: Tips for Better Color

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Maintenance in Corinth

When your dream lawn is a vibrant emerald green color, but your actual lawn is drab and faded, you may wonder how you can tweak your approach to lawn maintenance to get the results you’ve been daydreaming about. Understanding what your grass needs to produce green growth can make all the difference in how your lawn in Corinth looks and its ability to stay healthy. At Lawn Doctor of Tupelo-Corinth-Jackson, we know firsthand that greener grass is healthier grass, and we apply science-driven principles to help homeowners in our community enjoy the beauty of a healthy lawn.

Understanding How Lawn Maintenance Impacts Grass Color

Here are some necessary steps for achieving a lush lawn that boasts a gorgeous green color:

  • Feeding your grass with nitrogen. One of the most important measures that must be taken if you want greener grass is to feed your turf with the right dosage of nitrogen, one of the main ingredients in fertilizer. Nitrogen promotes top growth and boosts chlorophyll production, encouraging a greener color and more robust root systems. Because nitrogen-rich fertilizer must be applied in precise amounts and at a specific time within the growing cycle, it is recommended that experienced professionals handle this task.
  • Controlling the spread of weeds. While you may agree that weeds can be detrimental to the appearance of your yard, you may not realize that they do more than make it look uneven and unkempt. When weeds spread, they steal away nutrients such as nitrogen and water from your grass, giving your turf less to work with and ultimately hindering green growth.
  • Watering on the right schedule. The amount of moisture within your lawn will also determine its ability to produce and maintain a beautiful shade of green. When certain types of grass do not consistently receive the necessary hydration for growth, they will go dormant and take on a faded color.

How Our Experts Can Enhance the Color of Your Grass in Corinth

To ensure your approach to lawn maintenance is optimized to enhance the color of your grass, turn to our local lawn care company. We offer an annual Fertilization and Weed Plan that gives lawns the precise nutrition required for green growth, as well as effective protection from weeds.

These services and our full range of lawn care treatment options are available in:

  • Corinth, MS
  • Tupelo, MS
  • Saltillo, MS
  • Lee County, MS
  • Alcorn County, MS
  • Jackson, TN
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For lawn maintenance in Corinth,contact us today!