Environmental Commitment in Tupelo, Corinth and Jackson, TN

At Lawn Doctor in Tennessee, whether its Tupelo, Corinth or Jackson, we understand that the environment is the cornerstone of all we do. For over 45 years, Lawn Doctor has been committed to offering environmentally friendly products and services that encourage healthy, green lawns throughout Tennessee. The grass in your lawn provides many environmental benefits including:

  • Creating oxygen
  • Removing dust and dirt
  • Filtering water to remove pollutants

Every service that we provide in Tupelo, Corinth or Jackson is designed to encourage natural growth. By concentrating on working in harmony with the science of nature, several of Lawn Doctor’s services aid in boosting oxygen and water flow in ways that affect entire neighborhoods.

Unlike many of our competitors, Lawn Doctor of Tupelo, Corinth and Jackson goes beyond simple green product use. Our proprietary technology allows us to precisely measure and apply the optimum blend of nutrients and weed control. That means we’re doing the right thing for you, your lawn and the environment.

Call 662-872-0612 today to schedule your FREE On-Site evaluation.