Tick Control in Coral Gables

Tick Control in Coral Gables

Ticks, though tiny in size, pose a substantial health risk to people and pets. Our Yard Armour® tick control service helps families in Coral Gables stay protected against ticks by keeping these eight-legged invaders out of your backyard. But if you’re spending time outdoors away from home, or if you’re looking for added protection against ticks, there are additional steps that you can take to stay protected.

Below, our tick control team in Coral Gables offers tips that you can use to reduce the risk tick-borne illness for you and your loved ones.

Tick Prevention Tips for Families in Coral Gables

Protect Yourself Before Heading Outdoors. If you’re going to be spending time in an area that could contain ticks, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. First, wear the right clothing. Long sleeves and pant legs will reduce exposed skin, giving ticks fewer areas to target. You can also tuck pant legs into socks, which stops ticks from crawling inside. Finally, ward off ticks by applying a repellent with DEET, picaridin, or permethrin.

Check for Ticks After Returning Inside. While outdoors, you can reduce the risk of tick contact by avoiding grassy or bushy areas. When you return indoors, you should check your clothes thoroughly for ticks (wearing light colors will make this a lot easier), then wash clothes on high heat. After this, check yourself for ticks. If you find one, remove it with tweezers.

Yard Maintenance & Landscaping. You can reduce tick activity on your property by maintaining your yard and making smart landscaping choices. By trimming bushes and shrubs regularly and mowing your lawn once a week, you’ll give ticks fewer places to hide. You can also install barriers to stop ticks and animals that carry ticks around the edge of your property.

Our Yard Armour Tick Control Plans

For the strongest protection, families in Coral Gables can add Yard Armour tick control treatments, which target tick hotspots to neutralize any active ticks. This way, you can spend time outside without worrying about eight-legged parasites lurking on your property. In addition to regular tick treatments, we also work with homeowners on proven strategies to make their yards less tick-friendly.

Lawn Doctor of Coral Gables/Kendall offers Yard Armour tick control in:

  • Coral Gables
  • Kendall
  • Pinecrest
  • Miami
  • South Miami
  • Coconut Grove
  • And the surrounding areas

For tick control in Coral Gables, contact Lawn Doctor of Coral Gables/Kendall today!