Lawn Care Tips: Protecting Trees and Shrubs from Weather Damage in Pinecrest

Girl sitting and hugging her dog with lawn care trees in backgroundAre your trees and shrubs prepared for the inclement weather ahead? As the Pinecrest, FL area’s lawn care experts, Lawn Doctor of Coral Gables/Kendall knows that even the mildest Florida winter can take a toll on plants and trees that love the heat. What can you do to protect your larger plantings – and the investment you’ve made in them? Here are some tips:

Keep up watering throughout fall. If you have newly planted trees or shrubs, watering them regularly is vital if you want them to take root and grow strong. It will also help prevent branches from breaking off due to dehydration. The same goes for evergreen trees, which don’t go dormant during the winter and require adequate hydration throughout the colder seasons. If they’re not getting enough hydration through rainfall, then aim to give them about an inch of water each week.

Apply fertilization. With high temperatures in summer and harsh weather conditions in winter, your trees and shrubs will lose vital nutrients along the way. Make sure they have what they need to thrive throughout every season with a good dose of fertilization. As the Pinecrest, FL area’s lawn care experts, we know this can replace lost nutrients, as well as help repair damage from weather, disease and insects.

Get rid of dead branches on trees and shrubs. Before winter hits the Pinecrest area, pruning your larger plantings and getting rid of dead or dying branches is important. If you don’t, they could fall off and cause damage during a storm. Likewise, when branches are dead, diseased, or wounded and dying, they’re a threat to the health of the rest of the tree or shrub.

Wrap when necessary. When you have trees and shrubs that are young, or especially fragile, consider wrapping them before winter weather hits. Burlap or a cloth material can work well, or you can install a wood shelter around them. However, don’t wrap them in plastic, which can heat up in the sun, causing damage to these plantings.

Get Professional Help with Your Tree, Shrub & Lawn Care Needs in the Pinecrest Area

Whether your trees and shrubs need care and maintenance, or your soil needs balancing and fertilizing, we provide a wide spectrum of lawn care solutions to customers all over the Pinecrest area. At Lawn Doctor of Coral Gables/Kendall, we will take the time to evaluate your yard, diagnose issues, develop a custom treatment plan and deliver it using industry-exclusive lawn care equipment. It’s an approach that leads to better results and a more beautiful lawn.

Ready for your free consultation? Call Lawn Doctor of Coral Gables/Kendall today at 786-427-7001. We provide a full range of lawn care services to customers in Pinecrest, Miami, Kendall, Coral Gables, South Miami and Coconut Grove, FL, as well as in the surrounding communities.