Lawn Fertilization in Irmo

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Fertilization in Irmo

Is getting and keeping your lawn green and lush a struggle every year? Let the experts at Lawn Doctor of Columbia-Lexington-West Columbia step in and help. As a leading provider of lawn fertilization in Irmo, Columbia, and nearby areas in SC, we know what local turf grasses need and when. We’ll get your grass in great shape in no time.

Professional Lawn Fertilization 101: What to Know First

If you’ve never had your lawn professionally fertilized before, you might have questions. Here’s a look at some common ones we often get below. If you still have an issue or concern, simply reach out to our team directly. We’re specialists in lawn fertilization in the Irmo area and are always happy to help.

Should I mow and rake before you fertilize?

Yes, raking and mowing both help to expose more soil, so fertilizer can easily reach the ground.

Should I aerate before or after fertilizing?

Before is generally better since the process opens up your lawn to increased nutrient absorption.

Should I water my lawn before or after you fertilize?

Water your lawn a day or two before Lawn Doctor of Columbia-Lexington-West Columbia is scheduled to visit. This ensures your soil is well-hydrated. You should also water it afterward. However, our technicians will explain exactly when once they’re done treating your lawn.

How long should I keep kids or pets away from the grass? 

Once you water your lawn, wait an additional 24 hours before letting people and pets back on your yard.

Why is fertilizing beneficial?

Fertilizing provides critical nutrients that help your lawn in many ways. It improves color, growth rate, and turf thickness. It also helps your grass better tolerate heat, drought, cold, and heavy foot traffic. In addition, it improves natural defenses so your lawn more easily fends off weeds, diseases, and other common problems.

Serving Irmo with Lawn Fertilization

Fertilizing on your own can be a hassle. With Lawn Doctor of Columbia-Lexington-West Columbia, we make it easy to get a lawn that’s green, healthy, and strong, all in a way that’s convenient and affordable, too. We even offer a satisfaction guarantee on our work. It means if you’re not happy, we will return to make it right.

Our fertilization and other lawn care services are available in:

  • Irmo
  • Columbia
  • Lexington
  • Chapin
  • West Columbia
  • Florence
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Get greener, healthier grass with our lawn fertilization in Irmo, SC. Simply contact us today for a free estimate!