Weed Control Tips from Lawn Doctor of King of Prussia

Weed infestations are common in local lawns, and they’re often a source of headaches for homeowners. Fighting these pesky plants is essential when it comes to achieving and maintaining a healthy, consistently growing lawn. And although the best way to fight weeds is with our professional weed control in King of Prussia, there are a handful of steps you can take on your own to make your yard less welcoming to invading weeds.

Effective Weed Control Tips for King of Prussia Area Homeowners

Preventing weeds from taking over your yard requires a comprehensive approach. Here are a few of the steps you can take to prevent weeds from showing up in the first place:

1. Mow High and Often

Mowing your grass too short has several negative effects on your lawn. One of the effects of mowing your grass too short is that it makes it easier for weeds to move in, germinate, and take over your home’s outdoor spaces. Mowing too low makes your grass weaker and also allows sunlight to hit the soil’s surface, where weed seeds are waiting. For a more weed-resistant yard, make sure to mow high and mow often.

2. Water Infrequently and Deeply

Watering too often at too shallow of a depth is a common mistake. And along with potentially leading to mildew and other lawn diseases, this causes your lawn to develop shallow root systems. Shallow root systems are less resistant to weeds, as they leave more room for the root systems of weeds to develop and grow. Watering deeply and infrequently reinforces your lawn’s overall health while also improving its resistance to weed infestations.

3. Act Quickly When Weeds Creep In

Perhaps the most important step involved in keeping your yard free of weeds is to act quickly when you spot weeds starting to pop up. Just give us a call, and we’ll schedule a weed control treatment as soon as possible to get your yard back to looking its best.

Our Proven Weed Control Solutions

When you choose our weed treatments, you’ll be working with knowledgeable industry pros who know what it takes to bring you results you can depend on. With our cutting-edge weed control products, we’ll make quick work of grassy, broadleaf, pre-emergent, and post-emergent weeds.

We offer comprehensive weed control to our neighbors in these communities:

  • King of Prussia
  • Collegeville
  • Phoenixville
  • White Marsh
  • Upper Providence
  • Upper Merion
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

For weed control in King of Prussia, contact us today!