Residential Lawn Care in King of Prussia: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in King of Prussia

Whether it’s coming from your neighbors, your family, or online, there’s a lot of misinformation out there regarding the upkeep of your home’s outdoor spaces. These myths can involve what works, what doesn’t, ways to save time, and ways to seemingly get better results by ignoring established industry standards. To help you dispel some of the myths surrounding residential lawn care in the King of Prussia, PA area, we’ll highlight a few of them below.

Common Lawn Care Myths

There’s a long list of common lawn care myths floating around. Here’s a closer look at some of the most common:

Watering in the evening is the most effective. When you water your yard is important, but watering at night can lead to lawn diseases like mildew. When you water at night, the water doesn’t have enough time to evaporate, allowing it to sit on your lawn for too long and create issues. For the best results, water early in the morning.

Thatch is unhealthy. While excess thatch buildup in your yard can certainly be detrimental to its health and its ability to absorb essential resources, a little bit of thatch in your yard is completely normal and even healthy.

One or two fertilizer applications per year is plenty. The function of fertilization is to maintain a healthy balance of nutrients in your lawn. Only fertilizing once or twice per year isn’t enough to give your lawn the nutrients it needs when it needs them. That’s why, at Lawn Doctor of Collegeville-Upper Providence-Upper Merion, we spread treatments out throughout the year to bring you consistent, dependable results.

Pulling weeds is the best way to fight them. Hand-pulling weeds can often provide limited results because small fragments of the weed or its root system can be left behind. Utilizing weed control products that eliminate the entire plant will provide more complete results.

Our Proven Residential Lawn Care in King of Prussia

When you choose our professional residential lawn care, you’ll be working with industry pros who know exactly what it takes to bring out the best in your yard. We offer our range of proven lawn treatments to our neighbors located throughout the following areas:

  • King of Prussia
  • Collegeville
  • Phoenixville
  • White Marsh
  • Upper Providence
  • Upper Merion
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

To get started with our residential lawn care in King of Prussia, contact us today!