Lawn Weed Control in Collegeville: Stop Invaders with a Treatment Plan

Close up of blades of grass showing lawn weed control in CollegevilleWhen you’re seeing weeds emerging on your property, your first thought probably isn’t to aerate or seed. Yet, as local lawn weed control specialists serving the Collegeville, Phoenixville, King of Prussia, and White Marsh, PA areas, we know a heavy infestation is often the result of other problems occurring. To deal with them, you need an effective treatment plan that includes:

  • Aerating. Grasses don’t grow well when soil is compacted because nutrients, water, and air can’t flow into the root zone. Many weed species, however, easily tolerate these conditions. So if you’re seeing poor drainage, have clay soil, or there’s lots of foot traffic, aerate each year to loosen up your lawn’s base.
  • Seeding. Those bare spots, patchy areas, and damaged locations are the prime place for an infestation. Weed-proof them with seed this spring, or later toward the end of summer through fall. Just make sure you’re not also treating weeds since a herbicide will damage developing grass.
  • Watering. Your lawn needs moisture to remain healthy and strong. But if you’re watering too often in small amounts, you’re actually weakening it. This encourages root growth near the surface, setting your yard up for less drought and stress-resistance. Instead, soak the soil to around four to six inches in depth one time a week.
  • Mowing. When you regularly cut your lawn too short – more than a third off its height each time – it limits carbohydrate production, stressing grass in the process. A better approach is to leave blades longer, which will also prevent weed seedlings from getting sunlight and water.
  • Treating. No matter how healthy your yard is, you’ll still see some weeds. To offset this, make sure you’re treating grassy varieties, like crabgrass, in early spring with a pre-emergent product. Broadleaf species, such as dandelion, are more vulnerable in the fall when they’re absorbing energy for winter. However, you can still control these lawn weeds during Collegeville’s early spring weather with a liquid or granular post-emergent application.

Collegeville’s Lawn Weed Control Team: Leave the Job to Us!

When it comes to lawn weed control, Lawn Doctor of Collegeville-Upper Providence-Upper Merion can become your full partner. We’ll educate you on mowing and watering best practices, as well as develop a customized service plan especially for your yard. Not only do we offer all the pre- and post-emergent treatments your lawn needs, but also aerating, seeding, fertilizing, and more to keep your turf growing stronger, from season to season.

Call Lawn Doctor of Collegeville-Upper Providence-Upper Merion at (610) 477-2360 to learn more with a free consultation. Our lawn weed control experts serve local property owners across Collegeville, White Marsh, Phoenixville, King of Prussia, and other nearby areas in Southeastern PA.