Flea Control in King of Prussia: Eliminate Flea Hotspots

Girl sitting and hugging her dog after Lawn Doctor provided Flea Control in King of Prussia
While they are not as notorious as mosquitoes, fleas can cause all sorts of stress and discomfort around your home. With our professional flea control in King of Prussia, Lawn Doctor of Collegeville-Upper Providence-Upper Merion provides reliable expert treatments to neutralize these common pests. Along with our comprehensive flea control, we also provide advice to help our clients reduce flea habitats and prevent these pests from settling in their yards. Let’s take a look.

Protecting Your Yard From Fleas

Here are our tips for reducing flea activity around your yard:

  • Do not over-water. Fleas enjoy moist environments, so it’s important to provide your lawn with enough moisture without over-watering. We recommend adding about an inch of water per week.
  • Remove clutter. These pests require shaded habitats, so anything you leave in your yard that casts shade can potentially allow them to settle and lay their eggs.
  • Protect your yard from wildlife. Fleas are often transported by squirrels, feral cats, deer, and other mammals, so if these creatures are a problem in your area, consider adding a fence to your yard or taking other steps to prevent them from entering.
  • Treat your yard. Finally, the most effective way to prevent flea issues in your yard is to secure proven expert service. With our professional flea control, Lawn Doctor of Collegeville-Upper Providence-Upper Merion provides quick, effective, and comprehensive service to destroy these pests along with their massive hordes of eggs, larvae, and pupae.

Professional Flea Control For Your Yard in King of Prussia

Did you know that fleas reproduce to such a massive degree, that their offspring can outnumber the adults by a significant margin? If you have pets on your property or simply want to avoid the itchy bites that fleas often spread, it’s crucial to take action early on to prevent the infestation from getting worse. With our expert flea control service, Lawn Doctor of Collegeville-Upper Providence-Upper Merion is ready to defend your yard and remove this stressful nuisance from your life.

Our flea control treatments are available throughout:

  • King of Prussia
  • Collegeville
  • White Marsh
  • Phoenixville
  • Upper Providence
  • Upper Merion
  • and the surrounding areas

For flea control in King of Prussia, contact us today.