Spring Lawn Care in Buffalo: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in BuffaloAs temperatures drop in the Buffalo area and winter winds set in, it’s normal to want to spend your time being cozy indoors rather than cold and wet out on your lawn. However, your yard still needs nurturing care during this time of year. At Lawn Doctor of Central-South Erie County, we provide winter and spring lawn care services that protect your yard and help it stay healthy and ready for beautiful growth when the weather warms up.

Our lawn care services are available throughout the Buffalo area, including nearby communities such as Orchard Park, East Aurora, Lancaster, Elma, Alden, Cheektowaga, and Depew. If you’re curious about how you should be caring for your yard this winter, read on for some of our experts’ top tips.

Successful Spring Lawn Care Starts in Winter

You can’t assume that your turf will be primed to thrive after a long, hard winter. In order to support your yard and ensure it has everything it needs for healthy growth, it’s important to take the following steps:

  • Aerate your lawn before the first big snow. When your soil becomes compacted, plant roots lose access to water, oxygen, heat, and nutrients. In other words, the root systems of your grass become cut off from the elements they need to thrive. Our professional lawn aeration services stimulate grass health and increase airflow to root systems.
  • Prioritize winter fertilization. Winter fertilization is all about providing your yard with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy as temperatures drop. Our experts will apply a precise layer of fertilizer to your lawn utilizing our Turf Tamer® machinery. You can count on us to deliver just the right amount of nutrients needed for wintertime storage and disease resistance.
  • Avoid stressing your turf. Grass is particularly vulnerable to pressure and stress during the winter months when it is covered with ice and snow. Now’s the time to remove objects like outdoor furniture, toys, and lawn decorations that could smother your turf and block sunlight. In addition, you’ll want to keep sidewalks and walking paths clear so that you can avoid exposing your yard to high levels of foot traffic.

For spring lawn care in Buffalo, contact us today! We also offer a full range of lawn care services for homeowners in Orchard Park, Alden, Lancaster, Depew, East Aurora, Elma, Cheektowaga, and the surrounding areas.