Lawn Aeration in Canton

Lawn Doctor expert with clipboard stoops down to provide Lawn Aeration in Canton
Lawn aeration is a must for improving the health of your yard in Canton. Aeration helps keep thatch buildup to a minimum and resolves the issue of soil compaction. As a result, this process allows grass that is starting to suffocate due to overly dense soil to finally breathe again. Once your turf has been aerated, it can more freely access nutrients and reach its fullest potential. Whether your yard is located in Canton, Novi, Northville, Plymouth, or a community in the surrounding areas, you can trust our technicians to help your turf flourish.

Understanding How Lawn Aeration Works

Two of the most common forms of lawn aeration are spike aeration and core aeration. With spike aeration, holes are punched into the soil. In contrast, core aeration, sometimes called plug aeration, uses machinery to take plugs of soil and thatch out of the ground. Core aeration is more effective at loosening up dense soil, so our technicians at Lawn Doctor of Novi-Northville-Canton use this approach to reverse soil compaction on local lawns.

In addition to loosening up the soil and allowing for better airflow, the process of core aeration also has the following benefits:

  • Strengthening underground root systems
  • Boosting the effectiveness of fertilizer treatments
  • Enabling grass to more readily absorb sunlight

Getting Started With Lawn Aeration in Canton

There are a few ways to tell whether your lawn needs to be aerated. One simple method is known as the screwdriver test. Take a screwdriver and see if you can insert it into the soil with little effort. If you are facing too much resistance, your soil is likely compacted and needs aeration. Another sign of compaction is poor water drainage. Lawns with vehicles or other heavy equipment and machinery parked on them are more likely to need aeration more often. Additionally, those with clay soils typically require more frequent aeration.

While some homeowners attempt to aerate their yards on their own, they often make common errors that hinder the health of their grass. Furthermore, timing aeration in the growing cycle of your grass type is essential. That’s why it’s best to leave this process in the hands of our experienced lawn care professionals. We can analyze the turf species growing in your yard and the condition of your soil to determine the right moment to get started with aeration.

For lawn aeration in Canton, contact us today!