Tick Control in Canton

Closeup picture of a tick found before Lawn Doctor provided Tick Control in Canton

When your family spends time out in the yard, you shouldn’t have to worry about ticks getting a hold of them. With tick control services from Lawn Doctor of Novi-Northville-Canton, you won’t have to! We understand the risk these bugs can pose to those around you. We control and eliminate tick populations around your lawn using powerful, precise treatment strategies.

Tick populations are a growing threat in Canton, Plymouth, and throughout Michigan. These bugs can transmit blood-borne illnesses like Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and a host of other health concerns. It can also be tough to spot ticks until well after they’ve started feeding, making their presence that much more of a worry. With tick treatments, we put a stop to these biters, so your family can enjoy time outside in peace.

Powerful Tick Control To Protect Your Family

When we implement tick control for your property, you can look forward to lasting results throughout the tick season. That’s because we use responsive strategies, powerful products, and a multi-pronged approach to treatment. We start by visiting your property and identifying landscaping features that may be attracting ticks. From there, we’ll take a comprehensive approach to addressing ticks:

  • Treatment. Our technicians carefully apply treatment throughout your property, eliminating existing tick populations from your turf.
  • Maintenance. We’ll return periodically throughout the tick season to maintain results, re-applying treatment and auditing the impact of our services.
  • Prevention. To ensure maximum impact, our experts can also advise you on tips for the long-term prevention of ticks and tick-carrying creatures.

Our tick control services, just like our other lawn treatments in Canton, always come backed by our satisfaction guarantee. If you’re ever less than 100% happy with the results of a treatment, just let us know. We’ll come back and make it right at no additional charge to you. We’re truly dedicated to earning your satisfaction with every single visit.

Canton’s Experts in Lawn Care Services

With Lawn Doctor of Novi-Northville-Canton, one of the great benefits is having expert technicians who understand the ins and outs of lawn care. That extends to tick control and treatment as well. Our team will always provide you with top tips for reducing the potential of ticks, including trimming foliage and pruning trees. We’re here to ensure you get a lasting impact with our services!

Protect your family with powerful, comprehensive tick control services. All you have to do is contact Lawn Doctor of Novi-Northville-Canton to get started!