Fall Lawn Care in Camp Hill: Tips for a Beautiful Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in Camp HillBefore winter hits, your turf needs a lot of care to ensure the best re-emergence come spring. What steps are most important to take? Lawn Doctor of Camp Hill-Mechanicsburg has the answers you need. As experts in fall lawn care in the Camp Hill, PA area, we know the right moves to take this fall to help your turf recover from summer stress, stand strong during winter conditions, and come back in great shape once spring appears. Some of the ways to do that include with:

  • Removing leaves. Don’t let a layer of leaves allow diseases to take hold of your lawn. Instead, rake and remove them so sunlight can reach your grass.
  • Mowing properly. Mowing too short causes root stress, while leaving blades too long can result in the spread of disease. That’s why continuing to mow regularly, never cutting off more than 1/3 of your grass at a time, is so important.
  • Alleviating compaction. Kids and pets playing can lead to soil compaction, cutting off the supply of air, water, and nutrients. You can alleviate this condition by aerating and creating pathways for these essentials to get back to the root zone.
  • Fertilizing your turf. Fall lawn care in the form of fertilization not only helps your grass recover after a season of heat and drought, but gives it the energy supply it needs to weather the Camp Hill area’s winter and grow back greener and lusher during spring.
  • Seeding your lawn. Summer heat and drought can kill or damage parts of your lawn, making it more vulnerable to weeds and other threats. Thicken it up by seeding to repair injured areas and also boost turf density overall. It will look better and remain healthier.

Let Camp Hill’s Fall Lawn Care Team Help

When it comes to treating your lawn, timing is critical. If you’re not sure when to seed, feed, or aerate, let the fall lawn care team at Lawn Doctor of Camp Hill-Mechanicsburg help. We can tackle these critical treatments, while you handle mowing, raking, and other maintenance work. Together, we’ll get your grass on track, so it comes back healthy and beautiful in spring.

Get started today by calling Lawn Doctor of Camp Hill-Mechanicsburg at (717) 774-2446 for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care in Camp Hill, Mechanicsburg and other nearby areas in South Central PA.