Residential Lawn Care in Willingboro: 4 Lawn Terms You Should Know

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Willingboro

Like many of the other industries out there, lawn care has its own distinct terminology. And whether you hear these terms from your neighbors or our team when we arrive to administer your regularly-scheduled lawn maintenance, it’s helpful to understand them. We’ll highlight some of these essential terms below to help you better understand how and why we take certain steps throughout our residential lawn care process in the Willingboro, NJ, area.

Essential Residential Lawn Care Terms

A wide range of terms are used to describe your lawn, the factors that threaten it, and the remedies for its issues. Here’s a quick overview of a few of them:

1. Pre-Emergent

Our team utilizes comprehensive weed control to address different types of these invasive plants. Some of the weeds we fight are referred to as “pre-emergent” weeds, which means they’re immature weeds that haven’t emerged from under the ground yet.

2. Post-Emergent

Other weeds we fight are called “post-emergent” weeds because they have already sprouted through your lawn’s surface. These weeds can quickly spread and take over, which is why it’s important to address them quickly and effectively.

3. pH

The acidity of your lawn plays a major role in determining how it grows and fights off external threats over time. Acidity is measured on a scale called the “pH” scale. The healthy pH level for most grasses lies between 6 – 7, but it can fluctuate depending on the type of grass in your yard.

4. Aeration

Your soil’s composition is another important part of your lawn’s overall health. If it’s packed too tightly, your soil can prevent oxygen and other nutrients from reaching your root systems. “Aeration” refers to breaking this compacted soil apart, restoring the essential circulation of resources to your lawn’s roots.

Our Residential Lawn Care in Willingboro

When you work with our team, you’ll get dependable service and results you can trust. Throughout the entire treatment process, we’ll be here to answer questions or accommodate any changes that need to be made.

We provide proven residential lawn care to homeowners in these areas:

  • Willingboro
  • Burlington
  • Edgewater Park
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For residential lawn care in Willingboro, contact us today!