Residential Lawn Care in Edgewater Park: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Couple laying in grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Edgewater Park

Bringing out the best in your yard and keeping it looking its best through the seasons requires dedicated maintenance, and there’s a lot of information out there regarding the best way to complete this maintenance. Unfortunately, not all of this information is correct, and implementing some of it can lead to significant imbalances and other issues with your yard. Below, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most common myths surrounding residential lawn care in the Edgewater Park, NJ area to help you separate them from the truth.

Common Residential Lawn Care Myths

There’s a wide range of lawn care misinformation out there. Here are some of the most common myths and why to avoid them:

Everyday watering is ideal. Several issues often pop up with watering, with one of the most common issues being watering the grass every day. Everyday watering is problematic because it trains your roots to stay at a shallow depth and leads to a lawn that’s weaker and less resilient to drought conditions. For a stronger, healthier lawn, watering deeply once or twice per week is ideal.

It doesn’t matter when you water your grass. Along with how often you water your grass, the specific time you water also plays into the results you’ll get. Watering in the afternoon and in the evening should be avoided, as water will evaporate either too quickly or too slowly. To effectively and safely hydrate your lawn, make sure you’re watering early in the morning.

Thatch is harmful. Thatch, the layer of organic material that sits on top of your soil, only becomes an issue if a thick layer of it is allowed to develop. A thin layer of thatch is totally normal for a healthy lawn and nothing to be concerned about.

Our Proven Residential Lawn Care in Edgewater Park

At Lawn Doctor of Burlington-Willingboro, we utilize proven treatments to take the guesswork out of the lawn care process. With our comprehensive approach, we’ll get the job done right every time. And with our guarantee, we’ll bring you peace of mind every step of the way.

We offer professional residential lawn care to our neighbors located all over the area. Here are the communities we serve:

  • Edgewater Park
  • Willingboro
  • Burlington
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

For residential lawn care in Edgewater Park, contact us today!