Lawn Weed Control Treatment Plans in Ridgewood Stop Lawn Invaders

Close up of blades of grass showing lawn weed control in RidgewoodKeeping your lawn free of invasive weeds can be a tricky task due to their ability to rapidly reproduce and regenerate during their active seasons. DIY weed control can involve a long list of different hassles and potential pitfalls, not to mention putting the other plants in your yard at risk. At Lawn Doctor of Central Bergen, we bring local homeowners proven weed control treatments to eradicate unsightly weeds and leave the rest of their lawn green and healthy. With our premium lawn weed control treatments, we fight off weeds throughout the entire year in lawns spanning the Ridgewood, Wyckoff, Franklin Lakes, and Glen Rock areas.

How Our Team Controls Lawn Weeds in Ridgewood

If your weed control strategy consists of spot treating and pulling the occasional unsightly dandelion, you’ll need a helping hand from the pros to keep weeds at bay in the long run. Fighting off invasive weeds takes a comprehensive treatment approach to produce lasting results. Here are the two main weed varieties and a brief overview of how we fight them in local lawns:

Grassy Weeds

Grassy weeds, due to their underground stems and root systems, can be extremely frustrating to deal with for the average homeowner. These underground systems allow the plant to regenerate if only the upper part of the plant is compromised. To take away this ability, we treat grassy weeds with our advanced pre-emergent weed control treatments, which target their underground stems to remove the plant completely and keep it from regenerating later in the year.

Broadleaf Weeds

Because of their sheer size, broadleaf weeds can quickly take a toll on your lawn’s appearance. Weeds like chickweed and dandelion can also spread rapidly, making them a time-sensitive threat. Our technicians make short work of broadleaf weeds with our dedicated broadleaf weed control treatments, which utilize effective products to stop these weeds from spreading and eliminate weeds that are already active.

Our Ongoing Lawn Weed Control Programs

Maintaining a weed-free lawn from year-to-year requires ongoing attention. To keep your lawn clear of these invasive plants without the inconvenience of constantly scheduling treatment, we offer convenient ongoing weed control programs. Just set your treatment schedule, leave the rest to us, and notify our team of any changes as they come up.

Call Lawn Doctor of Central Bergen today at (201) 445-2007 for more information on the lawn weed control treatments we offer to homeowners in Ridgewood, Wyckoff, Franklin Lakes, Glen Rock, and the surrounding NJ communities.