How Our Lawn Care Services in Ridgewood Fix Common Problems

extremely green grass photo fills entire frame showing lawn care services in RidgewoodDoes getting a lush, green lawn seem out of reach? With Lawn Doctor of Central Bergen, it doesn’t have to be. Whatever types of issues you’re seeing escalate in your lawn, we can provide many of the fixes. For instance, just a few common lawn care service problems local homeowners from across the Ridgewood, Wyckoff, Franklin Lakes, and Glen Rock, NJ areas count on us for solutions for include:

Lawn care problem: Brown, patchy lawn after fertilizing.

How our services can fix it: Getting fertilization right can be tricky, which is when burns can happen. This is often the result of too much nitrogen applied. Instead of risking your yard’s health, turn to Lawn Doctor of Central Bergen for our Turf Tamer® lawn fertilization services. We know how to get the job done right, personalizing our products to the precise nutritional needs of your yard. We also deliver them using our exclusive equipment, guaranteeing even coverage.

Lawn care problem: Thin grass and puddling water.

How our services can fix it: Compacted soil leads to conditions like these. At Lawn Doctor of Central Bergen, we rely on a technique to ease it called core aeration, which perforates the ground, punching out small soil plugs. With better soil conditions created through this lawn care service and more pathways for air, water, and nutrients to reach roots, we’ll then seed your lawn with the Ridgewood area’s top-performing varieties, boosting turf density and overall health.

Lawn care problem: A sudden rise in mosquitoes and ticks.

How our services can fix it: Don’t let these pests threaten your family. With Lawn Doctor of Central Bergen’s Yard Armour® Mosquito & Tick Control program, we can target and treat those breeding and nesting spots in your yard, while also delivering powerful maintenance barrier sprays throughout the biting season. Not only that, but we’ll walk you through steps you can take to make your lawn and loved ones less vulnerable going forward.

The Ridgewood Area’s Lawn Care Service Team: Get Started Today!

As lawn care service experts, we know your yard is susceptible to a host of issues, from the Ridgewood area’s weather extremes to problem pests, weeds, and diseases. Rather than trying to identify and treat them by yourself, turn to Lawn Doctor of Central Bergen. We offer a wide variety of services and programs to solve even the most serious problems. Going forward, we can also provide the preventative treatments needed to better protect your lawn.

Call Lawn Doctor of Central Bergen NJ today at (201) 445-2007 to learn more about our lawn care services, available across the Ridgewood, Glen Rock, Wyckoff, and Franklin Lakes areas.