Core Aeration Options

Core Aeration Options

With the soil compaction and conditions in our area, aeration (either option) is a good idea at least once a year, whether you have us do it or whether you do it yourself!

What is difference between Mechanical Core Aeration and Liquid Aeration?


Mechanical core aeration pulls plugs from the soil opening up holes for root growth and drainage, as well as leaving the plugs at the surface level- bringing beneficial bacteria up to the thatch layer to bring about microbial balance.


Liquid aeration uses carbon substances like ash, humic shale, kelp and bio char in solution with soil nutrients to create micro-fissures (think “Pop rocks” ) and to establish healthy bacteria that bring about better nutrient retention, water holding capacity and healthier soil and healthier grass.

In the past, the jury was out on the effectiveness of liquid aeration, but a recent study at University of Georgia Turf Program is showing that liquid aeration is as effective as mechanical aeration for water retention, nutrient retention and producing healthier soil, however, core aeration remains the preferred treatment for severe soil compaction. Additional benefits can be seen from having BOTH core and liquid aeration.


Advantages of Liquid Aeration:

  • No need to mark sprinkler systems, invisible pet fences, pop up drains, shallow cables and other underground lines
  • No messy plugs
  • Pets (and humans) can go out on lawn immediately after application
  • Liquid aeration creates fractures within the soil and encourages greater rooting.
  • With liquid aeration, the soil structure is split at a much smaller scale, allowing for deep penetration of water; roots will, in turn, follow, making nutrients available that were previously unreachable by the plant.
  • Liquid aeration can be done anytime during the growing season.
  • Liquid aeration covers the entire lawn.
  • Thin, fragile grass in heavy shade areas is not damaged or torn up by the liquid aeration
  • Liquid aeration can be done in areas with surface roots that may not be accessible with an aerator.


The goal of aerating a lawn is to get more oxygen, water, and nutrients into the root zone. Improving the aeration within the soil is especially beneficial to lawns that are growing in clay or compacted soils.

Advantages of Mechanical Core Aeration:

  • If a lawn has HEAVY traffic and is severely compacted (commercial properties, ball fields, lawns that have vehicle traffic), the mechanical core aeration is a better option.
  • Sodded lawns with heavy thatch will see more benefits from mechanical core aeration



The liquid aeration can be done in both the Spring and Fall (and can also be done in Summer). Mechanical aeration can be done in both Spring and Fall depending on weather and turf conditions, but we do NOT want to do core aeration when the air is too hot and dry, since opening up holes to the roots with hot, dry air can cause damage to the grass roots.


There are quite a few liquid aeration products on the market. If you’d like to do it yourself, be cautious and research the products. Currently the N-Ext Air8 is the only product that we have seen scientific confirmation on the results.


If you are interested in scheduling aeration, feel free to call or reply by email or click here for more information: Lawn Doctor Aeration Information