Customizable Lawn Treatments in Basking Ridge Keep Your Lawn Picture Perfect

Have discolored grass? Bare spots? Compacted soil? Let Lawn Doctor of Bernardsville-Basking Ridge help address each and every one of these problems. We offer a range of lawn treatments to customers all over the Basking Ridge and Bernardsville, NJ areas that can get your turf back on track and into excellent shape for the seasons ahead.

The secret to our success? It’s our customizable solutions, modified to the specific needs of your yard. For instance, when you choose Lawn Doctor of Bernardsville-Basking Ridge’s treatments, you’ll get:Lawn Doctor expert doing lawn treatments in Basking Ridge

A plan that’s tailored to your yard. Getting lawn care right means delivering specialized care. It’s why we always perform a thorough inspection first, then develop a treatment plan based on your property’s specific features.

Services delivered on a carefully timed schedule. As local treatment experts, the team at Lawn Doctor of Bernardsville-Basking Ridge knows more than just grass species and how they grow. We also understand our New Jersey climate and growing seasons, so we can factor conditions like rainfall, drought, temperatures, and more into your service plan. This ensures we time our applications properly. If you’re seeing a problem or if you have a special request, we can always adjust our schedule.

Products custom-mixed based on your turf. From the content of your soil to the type of grasses in your yard, there are a variety of traits that make your lawn and its needs unique. It’s why we custom-mix products to the exact specifications of your turf and deliver them using our industry leading Turf Tamer® equipment.

Lawn Maintainer Treatments For Beautiful Results in Basking Ridge

At Lawn Doctor of Bernardsville-Basking Ridge, we offer many treatments on an individual basis. However, if you want to get and keep your grass healthy and strong – without problems returning every season – we recommend our Lawn Maintainer program. It bundles both weed control and fertilizer into one convenient package delivered through six to eight treatments during the year. Therefore, you don’t have to think twice about feeding your lawn or dealing with weeds. We’ll handle all the dirty work.

If you’d like to get started or learn more, call Lawn Doctor of Bernardsville-Basking Ridge at (908) 626-0303 and set up your free consultation. Our lawn treatment team can care for your yard whether you live in Basking Ridge, Bernardsville, Far Hills, Peapack-Gladstone, Bedminster, Long Hill Township, or another nearby area in NJ.