Lawn Treatment in Germantown: Options for Weedy Yards

Lawn Treatment in Germantown: Options for Weedy YardsIt can be frustrating when it seems your lawn has as many weeds as it does grass, especially if you’re trying to fight them and simply not having any luck. Working with our team at Lawn Doctor of Eastern Shelby County can help you avoid the constant headaches that come with fighting weeds on your own. Below, we’ll take a closer look at some of the lawn treatment options we use to quickly and effectively fight weeds in the Germantown, TN area.

Lawn Treatments for Weed Infestations

We use a handful of treatments to help our customers fight weeds and prevent them from taking over their home’s outdoor spaces. Here’s a closer look at a few of them:

Pre-Emergent Weed Control

One of the treatments we use to bring healthier lawns to local homeowners is pre-emergent weed control. These treatments fight the weeds that are still developing underneath your lawn’s surface and haven’t yet popped up through your soil. These weeds can appear at any time and start spreading, making them a constant threat to your yard’s health and appearance. With our advanced weed control products, we fight these underground weeds before you can even see them.

Post-Emergent Weed Control

Our team also uses top-notch weed control products to fight the weeds that have already broken through your lawn’s surface. We’ll use our post-emergent weed control treatments to fight the part of the plant that’s above ground along with its root system to prevent it from regenerating.

Grassy Weed Control

Grassy weeds can be tough to deal with due to how tricky they can be to identify. It can also be difficult to fight these plants without also damaging your grass, especially with DIY treatments. As part of our comprehensive weed control programs, we’ll identify and address grassy weeds without causing damage to your turf.

Broadleaf Weed Control

Broadleaf weeds are some of the most resilient weeds out there. And because of how quickly they can take over your yard, effectively fighting them is essential. Our broadleaf weed control treatments quickly eliminate weeds like dandelion and chickweed, helping you maintain a healthier, better-looking lawn.

Headache-Free Lawn Treatments in Germantown

Fighting weeds doesn’t have to be a hassle. We’re able to treat your yard whether you’re at home or not, saving you time while boosting your yard’s health. And with our comprehensive guarantee, we’ll bring you peace of mind through every step of the process.

We use proven lawn treatments to fight weeds in these areas:

  • Germantown
  • Eastern Shelby County
  • Bartlett
  • Collierville
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For lawn treatments in Germantown, contact us today!