Three Tips for Lawn Aeration in Tye

Couple on grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Aeration in Tye

Lawn aeration is crucial for ensuring that the root system of your yard in Tye enjoys robust health and resiliency. This advanced process is all about removing compacted soil from beneath the surface so grass blades and roots have more space to stretch out and grow, as well as better access to water and oxygen. With less dense soil, the root system can more easily fortify itself. Plus, aeration allows for better drainage, minimizing problematic puddles.

As important as lawn aeration may be, you may not know much about this topic. Below, we’ve listed some tips to keep in mind for a better, healthier lawn.

Help Your Grass Breathe With These Lawn Aeration Tips

Opt for core aeration over spike aeration. Core aeration, sometimes known as plug aeration, removes plugs of dirt and thatch from the soil. In contrast, spike aeration uses spiked forks or tines to create holes in the ground on impact. Core aeration is the superior option because it actually gets rid of the soil causing the compaction, whereas spike aeration can inadvertently increase soil density in the area around the holes it creates.

Aerate your lawn right at the growing season. Aeration is most effective when it is done just as the growing season starts, meaning the proper timing will depend on the type of grass you have. For warm season grass, this should be in the late spring, while early fall is more appropriate for cool season grasses.

Have your lawn aerated every year or two. Regularly aerating your lawn can ensure that the soil doesn’t have the chance to become densely compacted again. Every year or two is just about right for most lawns, while those with clay soil may require lawn aeration a bit more frequently.

Enhance Root Growth With Professional Lawn Aeration in Tye

The best way to ensure your lawn benefits from aeration is to have this process done by a professional team. You can depend on Lawn Doctor of Abilene-Breckenridge-Brownwood to relieve your yard of soil compaction using core aerator machinery at just the right time in the growing season.

Homeowners in the communities below trust us for our expert lawn aeration services:

  • Tye
  • Abilene
  • Buffalo Gap
  • Tuscola
  • Potosi
  • Brownwood
  • Early
  • Coleman
  • Cross Plains
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For lawn aeration in Tye, contact us today!