Tips for Grass Care in Woodbridge: What to Do Between Treatments

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Woodbridge

At Lawn Doctor of Woodbridge-Manassas-Dumfries, we utilize cutting-edge grass care treatments to optimize your lawn’s composition. These treatments help lawns grow healthy grass and fend off external threats. However, to keep it protected and growing between visits from our team, regular maintenance steps need to be taken. To give you a head start, we’ll highlight a few of these steps below and review how they’ll help your lawn.

Keeping Your Yard Healthy Between Grass Care Treatments

A handful of general upkeep tasks will help keep your grass looking its best during our visit. Here are a few of them:

Designate a Specific Area for Your Pets

Your pets can take a heavy toll on your grass, with the high concentration of nitrogen in their urine causing discoloration, bald patches, and other issues. It’s helpful to create a designated area on your property for your pets to “do their business.” By creating this area, you can prevent pet spots from popping up all over your lawn and help it look better between our treatments.

Don’t Mow Too Short

Cutting your grass too short makes it more vulnerable. Shorter grass creates weaker root systems and is more susceptible to being invaded by broadleaf and grassy weeds. To keep external threats at bay and maintain a lush, green lawn, make sure to keep your grass at the height of around 3.5 – 4.5 inches when it’s hot outside.

Water Deeply

Watering to a shallow depth can eventually cause your root systems to weaken and dry out more easily. To effectively hydrate your lawn and support the development of strong, healthy roots, consistently water to a depth of approximately 6 – 8 inches.

Our Customized Grass Care for Woodbridge Homeowners

In addition to assessing your lawn’s needs when you initially sign up for service, we’ll keep an eye on its needs as the seasons change. And when changes need to be made, we’ll adjust our services to keep your lawn looking its best. With your everyday upkeep efforts and our top-notch treatments, your lawn will be able to thrive in the long run.

We offer top-notch grass care to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Woodbridge
  • Manassas
  • Dumfries
  • Prince William County
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For grass care in Woodbridge, contact us today!