Lawn Maintenance in North Ridgeville: Tips for Thicker Growth

Lawn Doctor employee wheeling a turf tamer machine with Lawn Maintenance in North Ridgeville.Part of bringing out the best in your home’s outdoor spaces is supporting the development of lush, green grass. However, there’s a lot that goes into achieving and maintaining a covering of healthy grass, and getting the job done requires specific knowledge and a dedicated approach. So how exactly do you get thicker, stronger grass? Below, we’ll highlight a few key steps that need to be taken to achieve thicker grass and how our lawn maintenance in North Ridgeville can help you execute these steps.

3 Essential Tips for Thicker Grass Growth

There are a handful of steps you can take to support the development of thicker grass. Here’s a closer look at a few of them and how we can help:

1. Fertilize Effectively

One of the most important parts of supporting grass growth is giving your yard the right nutrients. Phosphorous-rich fertilizers are key when it comes to growing thicker grass, but it’s important to balance this nutrient with the other nutrients needed to support your yard’s general health. With our custom-blended fertilizers and our top-notch application equipment, we’ll optimize your yard’s nutrient density and help it support healthier, thicker grass through the seasons.

2. Get Rid of Weeds

Part of growing a lush, green lawn that’s often overlooked is fighting weeds. With the weed control solutions we offer at Lawn Doctor of Avon-North Ridgeville, we quickly and effectively eliminate both pre-emergent weeds and active weeds. With our comprehensive treatments, we’ll prevent weeds from invading your yard and draining the resources your grass needs to grow.

3. Take Care of Your Soil

Unhealthy soil makes it extremely difficult to grow healthy grass. To boost your soil’s health and maintain it over time, it’s important to break up compacted soil and keep your yard’s acidity within a healthy range. That’s where our aeration and pH balancing treatments come in.

Our Comprehensive Lawn Maintenance in North Ridgeville

Working with our team means getting access to a complete range of lawn services designed to bring out the best in your yard and keep it looking great in the long run. From fertilization and weed control to power seeding, mosquito control, and more, our team has your yard’s needs covered.

We offer proven lawn maintenance to our neighbors in these areas:

  • North Ridgeville
  • Westlake
  • North Olmsted
  • Rocky River
  • Avon
  • Bay Village
  • Avon Lake
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For lawn maintenance in North Ridgeville, contact us today!