Lawn Weed Control Treatment Plans in Waco Stop Lawn Invaders

Close up of blades of grass showing lawn weed control in WacoWhen weeds start to creep into your lawn, it can be tricky to get them back out on your own. There is a seemingly infinite number of different types of weeds, and each has different strengths and weaknesses that need to be considered for effective and lasting treatment. At Lawn Doctor of Greater Waco, we bring local homeowners premium weed control treatments to make short work of these invasive plants and help keep them at bay throughout the entire year. Homeowners located throughout the Waco, Woodway, McGregor, Hewitt, Lorena, China Spring, Robinson, Valley Mills, and Crawford, TX areas choose our professional lawn weed control programs for consistent results, flexible treatment options, and guaranteed service.

How Our Team Controls Lawn Weeds in Waco

Because different types of weeds operate on different germination schedules, an ongoing approach to lawn weed control is an essential part of maintaining a weed-free lawn throughout the year. Our team at Lawn Doctor of Greater Waco offers both short and long-term weed control programs to help our customers escape the stress of constantly invading weeds and the hassles of DIY. There are two main categories of weeds that often pop up in Waco area lawns, here is a little more about these categories and a quick overview of how we address them:

Broadleaf Weeds

Broadleaf weeds are generally characterized by their bulky size, but they’re also known for being extremely resilient. It takes tough weed control products to fight broadleaf weeds, but the downside of these products is that many of them can take a heavy toll on your lawn’s overall health. Our broadleaf lawn weed control treatments in Waco are designed to quickly eradicate broadleaf weeds without harming the rest of your lawn. Here are some common broadleaf weeds we address with these services:

  • Dandelion
  • Thistle
  • Clover
  • Chickweed

Grassy Weeds

Grassy weeds often present a challenge because of their characteristic underground stem systems, which allow the plant to regenerate throughout the year. To prevent this regeneration and remove grassy weeds completely, our team at Lawn Doctor of Greater Waco implements proven pre-emergent weed control treatments. These treatments treat a long list of common and not-so-common grassy weeds, including:

  • Crabgrass
  • Goosegrass
  • Doveweed
  • Bermudagrass

Call Lawn Doctor of Greater Waco today at (254) 424-9090 for more information on the professional lawn weed control solutions we offer homeowners in Waco, Woodway, McGregor, Hewitt, Lorena, China Spring, Robinson, Valley Mills, Crawford, and the surrounding communities.