Lawn Weed Control Service in Shelby Township

Lawn Doctor providing Lawn Weed Control Service in Shelby Township

When spring arrives in Michigan, your lawn celebrates the warmer temperatures, longer days, and rainy weather. Unfortunately, so do weeds! That’s why we recommend that homeowners in Shelby Township start lawn weed control services early in the season.

Our approach to weed management can help you keep invasive species from growing in the first place. By using pre-emergent treatments, we can block new weeds from growing on your property. And by starting these treatments in early spring, we can stop the year’s first wave of weeds from messing with your turf.

Below, we’ll explain how these treatments work, why it’s best to start them in early spring, and how to book your first application.

Springtime Weeds & Our Lawn Weed Control Services

When it comes to weeds, it’s better to stop them from growing than deal with them after they’ve emerged.

Once weeds have taken root on your property, they pose a threat to your turf — not to mention the appearance of your lawn. What’s more, getting rid of them usually requires uprooting the weeds or applying herbicides.

With pre-emergent treatments, we can keep weeds out of your yard in the first place. These treatments make your lawn’s soil unfriendly to new plants, without threatening your existing turf. If we apply these treatments before weeds take root in your soil, we can stop them from growing!

For best results, these treatments need to be applied before weeds start growing. Because of this, we recommend getting started early with our lawn weed control services in Shelby Township.

By starting our lawn weed control services in early April, we can protect your lawn before temperatures start to warm up. This way, we can stop the first surge of spring weeds from emerging. After that, we can maintain protection with regular treatments through late spring, summer, and fall!

Get Started with Weed Treatment Services in Shelby Township!

Ready to protect your yard against ugly, unwanted weeds? Lawn Doctor of Utica-Macomb can design a custom weed control plan for your lawn, tailored to the unique conditions on your property, as well as the biggest weed threats to your turf.

In addition to lawn weed control services in Shelby Township, we also offer lawn fertilization plans. By combining fertilization and weed control in a bundled plan, we can take the stress, sweat, and guesswork out of maintaining your lawn!

We offer weed treatment services in:

  • Shelby Township
  • Utica
  • Macomb

For lawn weed control services in Shelby Township, contact us today!