Tick Control in Montgomery, TX for safer Lawns

Closeup picture of a tick from Lawn Doctor's Tick Control in Montgomery, TX

There is a variety of insects that can take up residence in your home’s outdoor spaces and turn them into a health hazard. Among all of these pests, however, ticks are some of the most dangerous. Ticks spread numerous diseases that can cause serious illness, making controlling their populations an essential step in keeping your yard safe. With our cutting-edge tick control services, we fight these dangerous insects and keep Montgomery, TX lawns protected.

Choosing Our Tick Control Solutions

Fighting ticks and keeping them out of your yard in the long run requires a dedicated approach. By choosing our team at Lawn Doctor of The Woodlands-Magnolia-Tomball for your lawn’s tick control needs, you’ll be working with knowledgeable lawn care experts that use one of the industry’s most comprehensive pest control programs to keep local lawns protected. Here’s a closer look at the individual steps of our exclusive Yard Armour® pest control system:

Control. Addressing the ticks that have already moved into your home’s outdoor areas is the first step of our Yard Armour program. With an initial application of our cutting-edge tick control products, we’ll drive out resident ticks and immediately bring you a safer, more enjoyable lawn.

Prevention. After our initial application, we’ll shift our attention to discouraging future tick infestations. Our technicians will work with you to design and implement an ongoing prevention plan that will keep tick numbers low over time. This long-term strategy involves effectively managing the areas in your yard that can attract ticks, including heavily wooded areas, dense underbrush, and other damp, dark areas on your property.

Maintenance. Ongoing maintenance is essential for ongoing protection. To prevent new tick populations from appearing throughout the year, our technicians will return on a regular basis to apply follow-up treatments. These additional applications will address any stray ticks or budding populations to keep your lawn safer in the long run.

Montgomery, TX’s Tick Control Experts

At Lawn Doctor of The Woodlands-Magnolia-Tomball, we’re dedicated to providing local homeowners and businesses with pest control solutions they can trust. Our proven tick control services and our other premium lawn care services are available to our neighbors located in the following communities:

  • Montgomery, TX
  • The Woodlands
  • Spring
  • Magnolia
  • Tomball
  • Pinehurst
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

Ready to learn more about our proven pest control? To get started with our cutting-edge tick control solutions in Montgomery, TX, contact us today!