Fall Lawn Care in South and West Austin: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in South and West AustinWinter weather can take a heavy toll on your lawn’s health and appearance, which is why taking the proper precautions in the fall is essential. At Lawn Doctor of Southwest Austin, we utilize comprehensive treatment programs to get local lawns ready for the distinct threats of winter weather, from shortened daylight hours to fluctuations in moisture. With the fall lawn care programs we offer to our neighbors in the South and West Austin, West Lake Hills, Barton Creek, and Bee Cave areas, we give area lawns everything they need to stay healthy until warmer weather returns.

How Our Fall Lawn Care Gets South and West Austin Lawns Ready for Winter

Your yard can require several different treatments to prepare it for the chillier months, especially if it has had any health problems that have persisted through the previous months. Determining which treatments to implement and when to implement them can be a tricky process when you’re going it alone. We take the hassle out of fall lawn care by implementing our programs with convenient applications and flexible treatment methods.

There are several different treatments we utilize to prepare South and West Austin lawns for winter weather, here are a few of them:

pH Balancing. Your lawn’s measure of acidity directly determines how it absorbs and makes use of the soil’s nutrients. Our pH balancing treatments will reset your yard’s acidity back to the ideal levels for supporting new growth and protecting itself through winter weather.

Core Aeration. When your lawn’s soil becomes compacted, it can take a heavy toll on your lawn’s health by blocking the free flow of nutrients, water, and oxygen to your grass and other plants. We utilize our advanced core aeration treatments to break apart compacted soil in your lawn and restore the essential circulation it needs to stay alive and kicking through the changing of the seasons.

Fertilization. Your lawn needs fully-stocked nutrient stores to stay healthy through the winter. Our fertilization treatments utilize cutting-edge applications and custom-blended fertilizers to give your lawn all of the nutrients it needs to sustain itself until warmer weather comes back around.

Contact Lawn Doctor of Southwest Austin today for additional information on how our fall lawn care helps lawns in South and West Austin, West Lake Hills, Barton Creek, Bee Cave, and the surrounding communities.