Weed Control in Georgetown: How We Can Help

Close up of blades of grass showing weed control in GeorgetownGot weeds? Don’t know how to control them? Turn to the professionals at Lawn Doctor of Sussex County for help. As local experts in the Georgetown, DE area, we know how to perform effective weed control, producing a healthier, happier yard without competition. Here’s how we do it.

Weed Control in 3 Easy Steps for Georgetown-Area Lawns

There isn’t one single way to gain control over weeds. Instead, the best approach lies in creating turf that’s thick and strong. At the same time, it also needs to be treated at key times of the year. With our Lawn Maintainer program, Lawn Doctor of Sussex County can deliver all this and more. Not only does this program offer more comprehensive control, but solutions customized to your yard. With it, you’ll get:

Fertilization. At Lawn Doctor of Sussex County, we can ensure your lawn is fertilized at the correct times of year and with the right products, depending on its type and grass species. The products we use are slow-release, custom-blended, and nutrient-rich, giving your turf the exact essentials necessary for thicker growth and stronger defenses against weeds.

Pre-emergent treatments. Suppressing weeds is easier when they’re at their most vulnerable. That’s where our pre-emergent control comes in. With it, we’ll apply treatments that target those developing weeds below the surface of the soil. This prevents them from growing, breaking through, and getting established in your lawn.

Crabgrass and broadleaf treatments. Lawn Doctor of Sussex County also offers services to suppress weeds already growing on the surface, delivering several powerful weed control applications throughout the Georgetown area’s growing season.

Turf Tamer® Equipment: For Better Weed Control Coverage

Beyond our multi-faceted approach, another important aspect of our Lawn Maintainer program involves our Turf Tamer line of equipment. It’s made in America and built with state-of-the-art technology that no other weed control company in the Georgetown area can offer you. It works by measuring out an exact amount of product and distributing it quickly and evenly, all for the most consistent results. At the same time, its reciprocating action ensures grass doesn’t get harmed in the process, leading to better, more beautiful growth.

To get started, contact Lawn Doctor of Sussex County today at (302) 349-5454 and set up a free consultation to find out more about our weed control services, available across the Georgetown, DE area.