Lawn Weed Control in Georgetown: Stop Invaders with a Treatment Plan

Close up of blades of grass showing lawn weed control in GeorgetownA weak lawn offers ideal conditions for weeds to spread. While pulling them can seem effective at first, if you don’t remove the total root, they’ll simply regrow. Instead, you need a treatment plan, one that creates a better growing environment and stronger defenses. But where do you begin? Here are a few lawn weed control tips Georgetown, DE-area homeowners like you can put to use to get started:

  • Check your cultural practices. You might not think how you mow and when you water has a big impact on weed growth. Yet, poor habits are some of the leading causes of heavy weeds and little control in lawns across the Georgetown area. Mowing too short stresses blades, limits carbohydrate production, and enables more light and water to reach weed seedlings. Likewise, light and frequent watering produces shallow roots, setting your yard up for less stress tolerance and lower weed resistance.
  • Test your soil conditions. When nutrients are lacking or the pH level is too acidic, roots can’t access the essentials they need to thrive. This, in turn, weakens your lawn, providing the perfect opportunity for weeds to take root and start choking out grass. That’s where soil testing can be so valuable, giving you specific insight into the environment your lawn is growing in.
  • Aerate your yard and seed vulnerable spots. When soil is dense and there are bare spots across your lawn, weeds will take advantage. However, with aeration, which is simply a process that removes small chunks of soil, you can create better airflow, as well as more nutrient and water absorption. Once the process is completed, the soil is actually perfectly cultivated for a healthy dose of seed. So don’t forget to treat those areas that are bare or thinning.

The Georgetown Area’s Lawn Weed Control Team: Leave the Job to Us!

Lawn Doctor of Sussex County knows that as a busy homeowner in the Georgetown area, you might not have time for all these lawn weed control treatments. When that’s the case, turn to our experts in Georgetown. While you mow and water, we can evaluate your yard to find the source of the weed infestation. We’ll then personalize a plan that provides the right mix of services, at the right times of year, so you can enjoy a lawn with fewer weeds from one season to the next.

Call Lawn Doctor of Sussex County DE today at (302) 349-5454 to learn more about our lawn weed control – offered across Georgetown and other nearby areas – with a free consultation.