Lawn Maintenance in Milton

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor providing Lawn Maintenance in Milton

Keeping your lawn healthy and regularly maintained is essential through the entire year. However, in the fall, lawn care has a bigger impact. The steps you take to maintain your yard in the fall play a key role in determining its health not only throughout the winter, but also when it starts to warm up in the spring. At Lawn Doctor of Sussex County, we utilize advanced lawn maintenance solutions to give Milton, DE lawns a healthy boost during this crucial time of year.

Fall Lawn Maintenance Tips for a Healthier Yard

Because of the harsh conditions on the way, fall is a crucial time for lawn care. Certain treatments are more important in preparing your yard for the colder months than others, which is why a dedicated fall lawn maintenance plan is essential. Here are some of the services we recommend for local homeowners looking to get their lawns geared up for winter and help them bounce back once spring returns:

Controlling Weeds

Weeds can be a pain, and spring is when they start popping up in full force. However, there are several species of weeds that can survive the cold weather and add to the weed infestation in the spring, making more work for you to get your yard back to looking its best. Our comprehensive weed control treatments address both broadleaf and grassy weeds to provide comprehensive protection against these invasive plants.

Fertilizing Your Lawn

Your lawn’s nutrient stores will often need a boost towards the end of the year. Our fertilization treatments replace the nutrients your yard used up in the previous months, giving it the sustenance it needs to stay healthy through the coming seasons.

Fighting Compacted Soil

Compacted soil is a constant issue, but the foot traffic from the summer months can make fall lawns particularly susceptible to becoming compacted. Our core aeration treatments break up compacted soil to restore the healthy circulation of water and nutrients to your yard’s root systems, keeping it healthier for longer.

The Advantages of Using Our Lawn Maintenance in Milton

Choosing our fall lawn maintenance means getting great results without the headaches that come with doing the yard work on your own. With our flexible treatment programs and our hassle-free applications, we’ll save you time and get your yard geared up for winter in the process.

We provide top-notch fall lawn maintenance to residents located throughout these communities:

  • Milton
  • Lewes
  • Millsboro/Long Neck
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

Interested in starting with our lawn maintenance in Milton? Get in touch with us today!